This ongoing sci-fi series will contain non-consensual elements.
“Cadet,” the voice boomed out from behind me.
“Yes, Sir,” I said and jumped to my feet. Gilbert was a barrel of a man and very respected amongst the officers in the UEN. As I stood to attention before him, he asked me if I had fixed the fault I was working on.
“Yes, Sir,” I said, confidently.
“Good Miss Jackson, get to your station.”
I moved smartly to the bridge of the UEN Brooklyn. It was busy and on the view screen was a trio of ships. Our Captain today was a young man called Petyr. He was nineteen like me and asked if the fault had been rectified.
“It has, Sir,” I said and took my station at the engineering system.
“Captain,” a shrill voice came from the scanning station. “They are powering weapons.”
“Power ours,” he said, just as quickly. He was a confident young man, but brash and headstrong. In the academy recreational room, I often humiliated him playing the Jovian board. He told me it didn’t bother him, but I think secretly he did. A few times he had tried to talk me into bed. I had always preferred women but I was a virgin and almost relented one night just to get it over with.
The Brooklyn rocked violently as we were hit multiple times with a fusion cannon.
“Return fire,” he said, coolly. A brace of missiles was launched, destroying one ship and heavily damaging another.
I called out our own damaged reports. Things looked bad.
We were being watched by an instructor named Leila. She was in her fifties and had slicked-back black hair. She was the very definition of a cool and calm officer and one I admired greatly.
“Our engine is going critical,” I called out.
“No evacuation,” the Captain said, and called out for more fire.
It was hopeless.
Our ship rocked one last time and I informed the group that our engine had blown, and seventy per cent of the ship had been destroyed. Had this not been a simulation we would all be dead.
“Okay, very good ladies and gentlemen,” Leila said with a clap of her hands. “Emrah, tomorrow you will be acting Captain,” she said and dismissed us.
As a group, we made our way out of the simulator into the hot Martian air. Six other simulators were situated next to the parade grounds. Petyr caught up with me.
“You coming for a drink tonight, Em?”
I told him I was going to be studying for my navigation exam.
“I don’t mind a bad score on that,” he admitted. “If a nav computer goes down, you’ve probably got more problems than finding your way home.”
I didn’t share his sentiments and hoped to get as many high scores as possible. His father was an admiral, and he knew he would get a good posting no matter how he did. It annoyed me, but it was a matter of fact. Even with such a leg up, he remained popular with the other students. He was attractive with an easy demeanour and a cute smile.
“How about I bring a bottle of wine to yours and we study together?”
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Come on, Em, let your hair down.”
I relented with a smile.
He smiled widely and told me he would see me later then. As I made my way into the girl’s dorm I knew what a bottle of wine and a promise to study meant. He had often been seen coming and going from the other girl’s quarters. He was easy with his company and I knew that he would be taking my virginity tonight. I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought. It wouldn’t have been my ideal choice, but he had worn me down, and I did feel flattered at the attention.
There were still two months left to graduate. I still had a lot to do. There were exams and tests to complete. The time had flown by. I had not been the most sociable cadet. While the others had partied and formed relationships. I had focused on my studies. Joining the United Earth Navy had all I ever wanted to do. It was my dream and passion. Books littered my small quarters, There was only one family photo on my wall and that was of my late mother. People said I should be more sociable, but I just kept putting it off.
Petry was coming around tonight, so I tidied up. I changed the sheets and stowed some of the larger books in a cabinet. I still felt nervous about it and hoped the wine he brought was nice. After a shower I changed, I looked through my wardrobe for something suitable to wear. There was nothing sexy, just functional clothes and my various uniforms. I settled on a summer dress that I had bought on Titan. It was white and had a pretty floral pattern. As I looked at myself in the mirror and realised I couldn’t have picked some more virginal. I took it off and changed into my jogging outfit. It was light blue and fit nicely. It wasn’t sexy but I didn’t want to seem too eager or pathetic.
There was still time and I opened a book to at least try and get some studying in. It was hard to concentrate though and my mind wondered, Was he going to be tender, and loving, or firm and rough? As my mind played with the thought, my comms device lit up. For yeşilköy escort a second I wondered if it was him calling to cancel.
It wasn’t it was from my instructor, Leila. It was a brief message asking me to visit her in her office. It was odd at this late hour, and I thought that maybe I was in trouble. I quickly changed into my cadet uniform. Petyr would have to wait.
The sun was dipping over the horizon as I made my way across the quadrangle. The sunsets on Mars gave everything a lovely orange glow. I would miss that when I got my assignment.
Leila’s office was on the second floor. The building had minimal light on and it looked like the rest of the staff had gone back to their quarters. It was eerie being in here on my own. On the walls were portraits of famous officers. I wondered if one day mine would be up there.
I knocked lightly on her door.
“Enter,” she said and I let myself in.
Her office was large, with one wall dedicated to books. She was sitting behind her oak desk with a smile on her face. Her tunic was open. It was the most casual and laid-back I had ever seen her. She was always the perfect officer. Not a hair out of place. She was in her forties and had lines around her eyes. Her hair was tied in a severe bun and was salt and pepper coloured.
“You wanted to see me, Ma’am?” I said as I presented myself to her.
“Emrah, yes,” she said with a smile. She told me to take a seat and asked if she had interrupted anything special.
“Just studying, Ma’am.”
She nodded. “It’s your navigation exam tomorrow?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
I nodded.
She smiled and came around to the front of the desk. She leaned against it and asked if I was having any problems.
My mind raced for an answer, and I wondered if she knew something I didn’t.
“I don’t think so, Ma’am.”
“The thing is Emrah, I have had a complaint about you.”
I couldn’t believe it. I had never put a foot wrong.
“What?” I mumbled.
“It’s nothing major, it’s just about your attitude.”
“My attitude,” I said, feeling my cheeks go red. Not only did I hate failing, but disappointing this woman was a horrible prospect.
“How do I put this,” she said. “Part of the job of an officer is to put the lower ranks at ease. Your test scores are excellent but your demeanour can be quite cold, quite standoffish.”
I couldn’t argue with that. I told her that I did have friends.
“Outside of work you do, but on our training exercises, you are always by the book. No time for a joke or a smile. We aren’t training robots here Emrah.”
“I don’t know what to say, Ma’am.”
“You can start by calling me Leila,” she said with a smile. “Like I said it’s not important, that’s why I am omitting it from your permanent record.”
“Thank you, Ma’am, I mean Leila,” I said as relief washed over me. Her wide smile and easy demeanour were putting me at ease. This is what a real officer should be like, I thought.
She dropped the piece of paper in her waste paper bin and pulled out a bottle of brandy from her drawer.
“Let’s have a drink,” she said and fished out a couple of glasses.
It tasted expensive and very strong.
“How can I be less robotic?” I asked as I felt the buzz of the alcohol.
She leaned back against the desk and told me that when she started people had called her frigid.
“I thought that relationships with other officers would be a bad idea so I kept my distance.”
I asked her what she did about it.
“I just learned to relax more,” she said with a grin. “I’m certainly not telling you to sleep around, you don’t look the type anyway. You have to learn when to let your hair down.”
I nodded and swallowed the rest of my drink. Immediately she filled it up again.
“Loosen your tunic,” she said.
I did as she asked and did as she asked.
She laughed lightly and told me that it was a start.
“Do you smoke?”
I shook my head.
“How do you relax, Emrah?”
I was about to tell her by studying but caught myself just in time.
“I like playing the Jovian board.”
“Good,” she said with a beaming smile. “Don’t ever give that up, and if you are playing a senior officer always do your best to beat them.”
I laughed and had another drink.
We chatted more and she told me about her first years as a young officer.
“It was different back then, the ships were slower. I and three other girls would be crammed into a space half the size of this office for months on end.”
Then she changed the subject to something I had never really thought about.
“You will have to watch the men too, especially the older officers. You are a very sexy young woman. Make sure you keep your boundaries clear.”
I’d had a few drinks now and I felt warm and very at ease in her company.
“What should I expect?”
“At first just little things. Brushing up passed you in corridors. A hand on the small of your back.” Then she said with yeşilyurt escort a grin, “An offer to help you write a promotion application in their quarters.”
“I should say no to that?”
She shrugged. “Plenty of women sleep their way to the top, they just have to live with the fact.”
I was determined not to be that type of officer and told Leila as such.
“I can tell Emrah, you have a good moral core.”
“You mean I’m a robot.”
We both laughed as she poured the last of the brandy into my glass.
I knew I shouldn’t be drinking so much as I would be hung over for my exam. It was really good talking to her, and I felt like this was my first real introduction to the UEN. This wasn’t a class, but an honest conversation.
“Do you have any more advice?” I asked.
She nodded and told me she did. “Finish your drink and I will tell you the best piece of advice anyone ever gave me.”
I took a breath and drained my glass.
She looked a little unsteady on her feet as she approached me.
“I have to whisper it, it’s classified,” she said with a laugh.
As she leaned over me I felt myself stiffen up. She was very drunk, but then so was I. As she leaned in closer I could feel her hot breath on my ear.
“Never drink with a gorgeous young cadet,” she said softly.
I blushed immediately.
“Why?” I asked with a trembling voice.
Her mouth was still next to my ear and she told me that it made it hard not to fall in love.
I couldn’t believe what she had said and closed my eyes to try and process her words. I felt her mouth on my skin, she was kissing me gently.
It felt wrong but so good too. She was a very respected member of staff and now she was seducing me. It felt so validating and special.
She moved her mouth down to my neck and lay more kisses against my skin. She placed her hand on the side of my face and turned it towards hers.
“You’re so gorgeous, Emrah,” she said and placed her mouth over mine. It was tender and her tongue slipped into my mouth. I had very little experience and let her take the lead. As we kissed she began to unbutton the rest of my tunic.
All my anxiety about losing my virginity was now gone. I knew it was going to happen in this office with Leila. I knew it was against the rules but I was so willing and ready. She was older than me too, that was something I had never considered. I had assumed I would be losing my virginity to someone my own age.
“Come here,” she said and brought me out of the chair. There was no bed but there was a leather couch.
As she laid me down she asked if I was a virgin.
“I am,” I said shyly. She didn’t look nervous at all, she looked happy and confident. She was a very experienced woman and I was in her hands.
She made a pleasing noise in reply and her kisses became more persistent. Her hands now explored my body. She pulled open my blouse and slid her hand inside my bra. I could feel her nails on my soft skin. Her other hand was unbuttoning my trousers. I had to move my hips to give her better access. Once they were opened sufficiently she pushed her hand down them.
I mewed softly underneath her.
She got my nipples hard and my pussy wet while I was still half-dressed. She took me to our first orgasm. I wanted more though and as she stood I undressed still on my back. As she did the same she watched me with a loving smile. This time it felt more intimate as our naked bodies slithered together on the leather couch.
“This is so good,” I whispered to her.
“I’m falling for you so much,” she said in reply. Then she told me she had always desired me. Always wanted me.
My hands couldn’t get enough of her body. She was so warm and so soft.
“I love you,” she said and guided my hand to her pussy.
She almost purred as my hand found her wet slit.
“We should have done this sooner,” she said, as I began to massage her pussy.
She offered me her breast which I kissed and sucked. Her hips were rocking back and forth against my hand now. She was moaning.
“Oh, Emrah, she cooed. “Tell me you want it,”
“I do, Ma’am.”
She laughed at my formality and kissed me quickly. It was a harder kiss and made my hand move faster too.
“I’m coming,” she grunted and buried her face in my neck. Her back arched and I heard her take a sharp intake of breath.
“Fuck,” she cried out loudly as she exhaled.
She was panting now and lay on me kissing me sloppily and with more purpose than before.
I told her that I loved her too.
Our affair lasted all the way up until my graduation. We never went to her quarters or mine. I would go to her office after hours and we would fuck on her leather couch. It was a wonderful feeling having that little secret. It boosted my confidence too. Others noticed the change in me and I soon had a more active social life.
It wasn’t just my attitude she taught me about but my body too. She explored my likes and dislikes and taught me how to please yıldırım escort a woman, especially her. One thing she really enjoyed was me going down on her while she sat at her desk.
On the night of my graduation instead of attending the ball she took me to a hotel and fucked me all night long.
I cared for her, but it was never going to last, I always knew that. It was a very sad thing to say goodbye to her, but I had my new career to look forward to.
“We are taking you to the UEN Trinidad,” the Marine officer told me. He was a young man of about twenty. This was probably his first real mission, and now he was escorting a woman twice his age who had come back from the dead.
From the window of the transport, I could see the damage the attack had done to Ferrin. The fuel depots were still raging infernos. The shipyards were completely gutted. I could see the gladiator arena and it too was a wreck of burnt stone and twisted steel.
The officer asked me why I had been on the planet. To him, it was a pirate stronghold, and not a place to find a serving officer, and certainly not a pregnant one. Thankfully he didn’t ask about that, and I cradled my stomach knowing I was going to have to tell the full story soon.
I thought about Roki. I had been waiting on Ferrin for the Siren’s Kiss to come and find me. They hadn’t. Judging by the damage to the city, I wondered if this place would ever be a home for pirates again.
When we got into orbit I saw the full extent of the fleet that the UEN had sent. There were two battle cruisers as I had guessed, but also a capital ship. There were only six of those in the UEN fleet and they were always commanded by an admiral. There were also frigates like the one that I had commanded almost two years ago. It was strange seeing so many of them now, and I felt somewhat nostalgic for what I had lost.
We docked with the Trinidad, and I was led out into the shuttle bay. My feet were still bare, and all I had on was a silk dressing gown. It was all I had managed to grab before I fled the city.
A young officer approached our small group.
“Captain Emrah Jackson?” he asked.
“That’s me,” I said.
“Captain Emrah Jackson, I am placing you under arrest.”
“What charge?” I asked, coldly.
“Gross negligence and desertion of your post. Please follow me.”
It wasn’t the warm welcome I had wanted, but it was a start. At least they believed who I was.
My first port of call was the medical bay. They scanned me, probed me and did just about every test. My DNA matched my record but they had to be sure. The doctor was efficient and also quiet. Probably ordered not to talk to me. I was given a pair of white patient clothes and a pair of pumps. It was better than my garish gown.
Then I was led to the brig. This wasn’t like the one on the Siren’s Kiss. There was no sadistic jailer or filthy walls. My room was surprisingly pleasant too. A soft bed and even a basic chair.
“What happens to me now?” I asked the officer who had brought me here.
He looked around to see if anyone was in earshot.
“I don’t know,” he said softly. “The top brass are in trying to figure that out.”
I appreciated his honesty, and he left me to my thoughts. I had been through officer training I tried to think about what I would do in such a situation. My only answer would be to contact Earth and get them to decide. Ferrin was too far away though. We were deep in the free systems. There were no relay posts to speed up messages. It could take a week to get a reply.
There was a dispenser on the wall where I got some food. There didn’t seem to be a limit and I had three whole servings. It was a basic ration, but basic UEN rations were a lot better than the ones I had been eating. It occurred to me that while I was a prisoner I really hadn’t broken any laws or violated any orders. I was a victim after all. My only crime was not returning to the UEN when I had a chance to. I wasn’t on a pirate ship anymore, or in a strange world, I had to play things by the book and that meant getting my head back into the swing of how things worked in the Navy.
I was left alone all morning, then an officer came to visit me.
“I am Lieutenant Kent, I am here to take your statement.”
“My statement?” I asked as I sat up.
“Yes, just an initial statement about what you were doing on Ferrin.”
He looked young and nervous.
“Two things, Lieutenant,” I said, and stood up. “First is that I am your superior, so you will address me as Ma’am until I say otherwise. Second is that I don’t give statements to subordinates. Is that clear?”
He shifted uncomfortably and glanced up at the corner of the room. There was a camera there.
“Sorry, Ma’am,” he stumbled. “If I can just,” he started but I cut him off.
“Section nine of the judicial code clearly states that if an officer is to be questioned, then the person doing the interview should be an equal rank or higher. Is that clear?”
He looked down at the digital pad he was holding and apologized. “Let me come back to you, Ma’am,” he said and left the room.
Round one to me, I thought, but knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. Twenty minutes passed when he reappeared this time with his Captain.
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