As Brit enters her home through French doors she hurries to her room throwing her things on her bed. In a mad dash she kicks open Lance’s bedroom door which wasn’t totally sealed.
“I so called it. I knew you were in here getting off. Stop it.”
Lance was only wearing a t-shirt, nothing else.
He jumps pointing it at her, torn between two women, “I just started. Give me good news. PLEASE!”
“Put that away. Save it for outside.” She smirks as he crawls off of his bed leaving his dick dangling as he grabs her by the shoulders.
“What did you say to her? What did Chloe say?”
“Lots of things. I played you up as the pervert you are. She knows you watch her. Chloe even admitted that she untied her top just for you. Not because she lusts for you though. She just felt like teasing and being mischievous. I suckered her into teasing you more though. I told her we should humiliate you. So when and if she acts funny you NEED to act humiliated. Got that?”
Lance narrows his eyes, “Ummm! Okay.”
“I made excuses like I had a fake call from my friend and had to leave. This will give you time to go have your stupid fun. The rest is up to you.”
“Awesome.” He pauses, “What do I do next?”
Brit rolls her eyes, “Oh my God! Do I have to guide you every step of the way? Some Mister Master you are.”
“This is different. I know you way better. And, I won the bet you and I had. This is Chloe Johnson meets my Johnson.”
“Whatever! Just open your window in about ten minutes to give me time to act like I’m leaving the house. Talk to her. Compliment her. Ask if she needs lotion. She will agree. Unless you scare her. Push her but don’t be a douche. “
He nods, “Okay. I can do this.”
“Thank me already.” Brit awaits.
“Cool.” He nudges her from his room and shuts his door.
Stunned by his arrogance she exhales, “God I hate you.”
She went to her room to change.
His problem now.
After eight minutes Lance gets bold and opens his curtains, then his window without a screen. He had removed it long ago as an easy exit to escape in the middle of the night.
Looking over at Chloe who was less than thirty feet from him he fondles his dick to garner confidence. Finally, he lets it go and leans on his window sill.
Chloe jumped while still laying on her belly and pulled her top over her 36C’s at the unexpected growl. She then looked around finally setting eyes on Lance.
He laughed and threw his hands up as defense.
“Just kidding. TAKE IT ALL OFF.”
Chloe rolls her eyes and sits up to face him, clutching her top with only one arm. It’s strings still dangled beside her ribs.
“You scared the crap out of me. Why did you do that?” She winced.
“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Don’t get dressed because of me. Your tan lines look great.”
“Do they? I can’t really tell.” She attempts to look over her shoulders awkwardly, “I despise tan lines.”
“Only way to avoid those are to tan naked. Heck! You’re pretty close as it is. Might as well.”
“Are you spying on me?” She tries not to smile.
“Yeah. I won’t lie to you. Every time you lay out.” He strokes himself out of her views vantage point arrogantly.
“I had a hunch you did.” She points at him with a wagging finger, “Now that you nearly scared the bikini off of me I think you need to be nicer.”
“Sure. How?” He halts out of anticipation.
Lifting her lotion bottle she wags it at him, “Oil my back before I lobster?”
Without a word he dives backwards and grabs a pair of black cut off at the knee sweat pants, tugging them on loosely. He had been unprepared for this reality.
Once attired he crawls up on to his window sill and launches himself into a stumbling tumble to the grass below.
“Are you okay?” Chloe hides her amusement.
Rolling to his feet Lance limps the rest of the way. Standing over her he stretches the kinks out. His erection was easy to witness. She couldn’t help but notice his sweats tented out at the crotch. Her expression was pure awe and crimson cheeks.
Chloe bites her lower lip as her eyes look away. Hesitantly she lifts the bottle of lotion up for him to claim, unaware that her raised hand had brushed the bottle against his girth.
He eyed the sway of her hand tapping the bottle and grinned letting her linger. ataköy escort Finally, he obtains the bottle and watches her roll over and lay on her stomach. The strings of her top drooped along with the cups as her chest crushed against her blanket.
He had to whistle silently and pinch his concealed crown.
Before kneeling Lance checks out her butt cheeks with the bikini bottoms wrinkled up inside the crack. One final grip of his junk he drops to his knees beside her.
Popping open the attached bottle cap he trickles droplets on her back, spine, and legs. He had to pause and shiver at his luck. Bottle capped and set aside he moves his trembling hands in to begin at her shoulders, lightly brushing her shoulder length blonde hair aside.
“Anyone ever tell you that you look like the model, “Gemma Atkinson”?”
She moans at his grip then whispers, “That’s sweet. I did match my hair cut to look similar to a picture I saw of hers.”
“Same body in my mind.” He coughs up.
“Sweet talker. You’re just lucky I let you make up for that bit of meanness back there.”
“Sorry, again.” He moves his hands more to her furthest shoulder. In his lean his erection rubbed against her side. This made her eyes bulge. A smile formed out of his field of vision.
The sensation made her hold her breath. Even Lance once he realized his movements grit his teeth hoping she wouldn’t freak out.
Chloe shivers it off and softly exhales, “Don’t miss anywhere.”
“Let me know if I do miss a spot, or not rubbing it in hard enough.”
“I will. Hard is good.”
He grins gliding his hands lower until his fingers tickle her ribs making her stiffen up. Side to side, up and down her spine. At her lowest vertebrae his fingers roll under her bikini bottoms upper hem. Time and time again he tested his fingertips slipping under more of his knuckles each time. No arguments so far.
After rolling his palms along her ribs he met with her bikini strings tethered to her hips. He slithers beneath them to glaze the skin.
Sighing he stutters slightly, “Are you sure you want these tan lines down here?”
“Of course I don’t.” She grins sheepishly to herself, “But, I don’t have much choice.”
“You could untie one side at a time. That way your hips at least are nice and brown.”
“I’m open to that idea. You’re so smart Lance.” She tries not to laugh.
“Straight “C’ student.” He chuckles, his heartbeat jumping as he unties the string at her left hip. With a brilliant thought he gently lifts the bottoms enough to tuck the back string inside it.
“That’s so sexy.” He mutters.
With a warm exhale she hisses, “Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“I can untie the other hip and tuck that string too.”
After a lengthy pause she agrees, “As long as you behave.”
He stands up and steps around her to kneel at her opposite hip. Fingers pinching the strings apart he tucks that string under her as well.
Realizing the oil bottle was on the side of her that he abandoned he swallowed hoarsely. He then took the risk of leaning over her to grip the bottle. In doing so his pup tent slid over her lower back. She felt every inch of his erection.
Before she could formulate a response he drizzled more oil on her, straightening up. His attention was now on her legs. After a healthy dose of gloss his hands coated her feet as well. Again he found ticklish spots.
Moving higher along her inside legs his hands grew hesitant at her thighs.
“Am I doing okay?”
She nearly purrs with her eyes closed, “Lovely.”
“I can peel the top of these bottoms down just a little. At least the tan line will be less visible. If it helps.”
“I really want an all over tan but that’s impossible. You can roll it down a little I suppose.”
With both hands he pinches the sides of the bikini bottoms material and folds it over gently revealing her butt crack by two inches.
“Good enough or do you want it lower?” He hopes.
Quivering at his knuckles on her flesh she inhales to release, “Another inch at the most.”
Eyes bulging Lance peels and tucks the clothe more like an inch and a half. Just enough for his view to capture the sight of a sexy anal cavity. He had to whine. She had to grit her teeth.
“Nice!” He boldly admits.
She giggles, “Too much for incirli escort you Lance?”
“Not nearly enough.” He puckers with the thought.
He retrieves the oil bottle and dribbles a stream on her lower back and watches it trickle into her crack. The sight made him drool. Before she could utter a word Lance decided to just pull the patch of bikini off of her entire ass then yank it out from under her thighs. As she realized his forceful move he Gripped her ass cheeks and pried them apart for a better view.
“WHAT THE HELL, LANCE? I never said to go that far.”
She raises up on her elbows to sneer back at him.
He smiles at her with a cheesy grin, yet nervous, “Might as well do this right.”
“Lance! I can’t do this. You’re only eighteen by what? A week? Two? If people saw this I could get arrested.”
“No tan lines, I say.” He blurts.
She peers around them at all sides then looks back at him as he massages her ass.
“At least find me something to block us from the view of the Kramer house. They’re the ones I worry about.”
Lance scans around him, then darts to his feet leaving her to cringe. Racing to the back of her garage he literally drags her boyfriend’s “John” boat through the yard. He then tilts it up on its side. The height concealed them easily. It amazed her that he went to such lengths.
“There! No more old people eyes.”
He returns to her side again dropping to his knees.
She covers her face in her palms as Lance returns to rubbing her ass. His thumbs dig deep within pried cheeks. While there he grazed over her butt hole multiple times.
“Careful now.” She trembles heavily.
“Your body is freaking perfect, Chloe.”
“I’m crazy. I’m crazy. I’m crazy.” She mumbles over and over, still masking her face with her hands.
“There! You bake for a few minutes. I’ll stand guard. Then you can roll over. I’ll oil your front.” He smugly commands as she drops her arms flat. Behind her he placed his hand down his sweats and jerked himself slowly.
Chloe lays there quietly for four minutes listening to him. It wasn’t difficult to imagine what he was doing. The sun’s shadow revealed her best guess. His silhouette made a great compass.
Finally, she had to know for certain and raises up to look behind her. Sure enough.
“I knew you were doing that. At least it’s still inside your sweats. I must really turn you on.” She shyly grins.
“You have no idea.” He squints at her while speeding up his jerking motion.
Swallowing she settles her nerves, “How can you oil my front when that hand is so busy?”
He removes his hand immediately and rears up on his knees. His sweats drawstring was albeit useless, revealing his upper pubes.
“RULES! Can you follow them?” She stares at him without blinking.
He shakes his head negatively without question.
“I didn’t think so.” She laughs blowing the hair from her eyes.
With a deep held inhale she rolls over. Her bikini bra slips away revealing a pair of unrestrained breasts. Her nipples aroused and deadly.
The bottoms already gone offered him a perfectly landscaped strip of blonde pubic hair. She lays back and observes Lance turn pale.
“Everything okay?” She stares.
He nods affirmatively this time without a word. His hand raises the oil bottle and literally drowns her entire front.
As she laughs he tosses the bottle and leaps at her breasts. Squeezing amid the glossy oil and enjoying the view. Nipples pinched, slippery between his fingertips.
All she could do was watch him. He was mesmerized. Time after time he crushed her tits together. Each time she creased her brow fighting moans.
“I’m not getting much of a tan like this. Your shadow over me.”
He decides to abandon her chest and roll his hands over her belly with fanning fingers. Her eyes flutter at the sensation.
Gliding lower his fingers reach her pubic region and toys with it lovingly. She nearly convulses at her decision to let things go this far. She prayed nobody was watching.
Dumb on her part. Yet, she couldn’t resist.
His hands grace her pussy which forces her to spread her legs. Giving him a better view he moves in swiftly. Fingers slip inside her making her arch her back and whisper, “Fuck. Unexpected! Dammit Lance.”
She bakırköy escort fans her face with one hand and reaches out with the other to remove his hand. He offers her a pathetic look as his fingers leave her wetness.
“Stop with the face already.” She suffers at his emotions.
“I want to finish.”
With a huff she lays back and lets his hand go. Legs wider than before but bent at the knees. Her own hand moves down and begins rubbing her clit. Lance in turn watches her and rubs her leg.
“Lance? Let’s masturbate together. I’ll do that much at least. Nothing more.”
He nods and slips his sweats down to his knees to show off an eight inch stone hard boner.
“JESUS!” She expresses with glued eyes, “I wish Chuck had that.”
Her fingers bury deep inside her as her other hand teases her clit. She couldn’t stop looking at him as he hovered above her waist. In a bold move Lance stood up and moved between her legs. Her eyes fluttered at his emotionless gaze. His jerking becoming more expressive.
As her moans grew louder Lance scooted closer to her. His penis was directly over her knuckles well used.
“Let me cum on you.” He strains.
“Okay.” She whimpers closing in on her own orgasm.
Within three minutes Lance blasted a massive flood over her hands and thighs. She cried out as her own juices ignited and gushed around her sunken fingers.
Chloe collapses closing her eyes. She had never had such an intense orgasm.
Lance idled over her eying his artwork and breathing heavily. Suddenly, he drops over her and devours a nipple. She had zero energy to resist. Her thoughts running rampant, yet confused.
“Lance?” She manages to pat his cheek.
She felt his erection rub over her labia. The sensitivity of her clit made her arch her back and raise her knees higher.
He breathlessly toys with her until she whimpers. His dick had entered her and lingered without thrusting.
“Fuck. That things huge.” She whispers and nearly hyperventilates.
He thrusts once. She cringes and whispers, “Lance, no.”
Three more thrusts finds her nails digging into his back and hip.
Ten more thrusts she just gave up and pulled him in. He fucked her for ten minutes straight. She kissed him hard seven of those minutes.
Finally, Lance pulls away growling and splatters her with coconut white a second time.
In her amazement she squirms about and rubs her body in his slickness until it turns sticky.
“Christ Lance. That was incredible.” She begins to realize her predicament, her belly knotting up inside.
Suddenly, behind them they hear a clearing throat.
“I can’t believe you guys. Chloe you slut. Lance you whore.”
Lance leaps to his feet wobbling.
Brit points toward her house with a stern look. He nods at her then with a smiled nod toward Chloe. In his t-shirt only he parades to the house and goes inside.
Brit then drops down beside Chloe and hugs her. In the process Brit gets Lance’s leftovers all over her hands and arm.
“I didn’t expect that Britney.”
“Me neither.” Brit licks her hand of Lance’s cum.
Chloe eyes her uncaring hunger.
“What do I do now? I can’t face him without stressing about Chuck knowing.”
“Chill Chloe. I’ll threaten my brother.”
“You just licked his cum off your hand.” Chloe offers a weird expression.
“Oh, shit. Ewwww!” She then chuckles.
“Oh my God!” Realization sets in, “You and…Wow!”
“We cool?” Brit pets Chloe’s hair.
“Is it bad of me to want more of that?” The blond yearns.
Brit puckers, “Nawwww! I do things that make me crave more too.”
“I can’t. I love Chuck. Dammit!” The blond hisses with regret.
“So, love him. I’ll take care of Lance. Be yourself. Nothing here ever happened.”
Chloe pulls away and crawls to her feet and literally leaves her stuff in the yard. She stumbles to Lance’s open bedroom window.
Looking in she see’s Lance standing there fondling himself again.
“Back for more?” He winks.
“Not today. Please, Lance. Keep this to yourself. Only trouble can become of what just happened.”
“My windows always open. If you get bored.”
She creases her brow then turns away. A second later she looks back inside.
“Thank you, Lance.”
Chloe then left him in favor of her house.
Brit moved to replace her at the window.
“Damn Stud. I’m impressed.”
Lance smirks, “I still got energy. Crawl on in.”
“I’ll pass. I’m going to get ice cream.”
Just as good of a cold shoulder as any.
Brit vanished around the side of the house.
Third time was the charm.
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