This story can be described as an extravagant daydream from a male perspective. Which explains why the concept is ludicrous. English is not my first language so I apologize for mistakes in grammar and spelling. All characters in the story are above the age of eighteen.
1: The Awakening
You wake up from vague, swirling dreams. While your eyes are still closed you feel silk sheets and large pillows. You open your eyes and are amazed. You are resting in a big bed in a vastly bigger bedroom, to say opulent is an understatement: high ceiling, oak paneling, golden arabesques, fine draperies. Sunlight is streaming in through an opening. You rise from the bed, noticing that you are wearing a nightshirt, and look out from what proves to be a small balcony. A lush landscapes stretches all the way to the horizon: green fields, groups of trees, lakes and streams, pavilions and stone walls. The air is fresh and pleasant. You are many floors up in a magnificent castle, that is clear. But you do not know what castle. Or why you are here.
A tapping noise makes you turn your head. Soon afterwards a door is opened and a young woman enters. She has long blonde hair hanging down on her back and eyes of a striking violet color. When she sees you she smiles brightly and curtsies gracefully. She is wearing a short dress in white and purple. With a deep décolletage, that shows her slender shoulders and more than just a hint of a full bosom. You feel your mouth watering and an ache in your groin.
“Good morning, your highness”, she says, “I cannot tell how happy I am to see you awaken.”
“Thank you. But…Highness? What do you mean?”
“You are a highness, your highness, a prince is a highness and you are a prince, your highness, so you must be a highness, your highness.”
She giggles, a delightful sound. Soon she recovers a straight face.
“I apologize. I did not mean to be disrespectful.”
“I have taken no offence. I like your laughter. But why are you here?”
“To help you with your clothes. Here they are.”
Quickly she opens a cupboard and puts three different set of clothes on the bed.
“Thank you. I will take this loose fitting one, I think.”
“A good choice, your highness. It will look attractive on you. Shall I serve you?”
“You have already.”
“I mean…with dressing…and things…”
She looks embarrassed. Or is it expectant? You cannot decide which.
“No, thank you. I can dress myself.”
She seems disappointed.
“As you wish, your highness…When you are ready, the queen wants to speak with you.”
She curtsies again and leaves the room. While getting dressed you ponder her words. If you are a prince you should be the son of the queen. Or are you married to her, a prince-consort? Memories refuse to aid you. Stepping out of the room you follow an impressive staircase to another door, covered with ornate iron. It opens to an extensive chamber, with walls and ceiling painted with sensuous landscapes and women holding each other’s hands. These women seem to be pregnant. In a throne-like chair with red pillows a women is seated, with two younger women attending her. Their clothes are mostly white and purple. It must be the colors of the kingdom.
The sitting woman, noticing you, puts away the book she have been reading, rises and hurries towards you. She is beautiful, to say the least. Tall stature, fair hair in waving tresses, voluptuous shapes and the same striking violet eyes you seen before. Her accoutrements are equally striking: a tiara of silver and sparkling with jewels, heavy earrings, an elaborate necklace clutching her throat, a long dress whose centerpiece is a corset covered with golden decorations in the shape of leaves and branches. And in the next moment you feel that corset pressed against you. She embraces you eagerly. And kisses you. Not a little peck on the lips. A kiss with yalvaç escort open mouth. And plenty of tongue. At the same time she grinds her body against yours. She is warm and soft and intoxicating. Your hands drift over her back. She must be your wife. No mother would kiss her son like that. Or would she?
She pulls away from you. Her eyes are moist and her face flushed. She breathes heavily.
“My boy…”
It is a heavenly whisper. And now you become conscious of your hard erection. You want to kiss her again. You want to nuzzle your face against those milky white shoulders. You want to rip the cleavage open and…You understand your horniness, but not anything else.
She shakes her head and clears her throat.
“I am sorry. I should not have done that. I can see the lack of understanding on your face. It was feared the restorative sleep would have that effect on you. I do not want to rush your recovery…Let it be enough for the moment to know that I am Alisha, the queen…And that you are prince Cumagan. My son. My well-beloved and very important son.”
The emphasis on the last words is both worrying and alluring.
“Mother…I do not remember…”
She touches your face reassuringly with her long fingers.
“I know, my son…Do not worry…You will remember soon…And…The first task right now is to aid your recovery. A bath with healing and strengthening elixirs should be helpful.”
The queen gestures towards one of her attendants that approaches. She has appetizingly brown skin and her hair is gathered in a jungle of braids. Briefly she glances shyly at you. Her eyes are black, not violet.
“This is Desdara”, explains Alisha, “She will show you to the baths and do everything you wish. Afterwards I will have another talk with you. And, my son…I advise you, do not try to force yourself to remember. Just do what feels natural. Enjoy the bath.”
Desdara leads you through several corridors to a chamber covered with tiles. The air is warm. A bathtub made of polished marbles has been sunk down into the floor. Desdara fills it with hot water from a silver tap. Then she opens three different bottles and pour their content into the tub. The water foams and becomes fragrant.
“Now your highness can undress.”
“Allright, Desdara. You may leave.”
She smiles slightly.
“The queen instructed me to help your highness with everything.”
With swift movements she starts to undress you. To distract her, and yourself, you try to keep up a conversation.
“So, Desdara…I noticed your eyes are black, not violet. Why is that?”
“Only persons blessed with royal blood have violet eyes.”
“But the serving girl that came to my bedroom…”
“That was no mere serving girl. That was a sister to your highness. Irithea.”
“My sister?”
“Yes. One of several. She wanted to be the first one to see you awake, your highness.”
“Because she loves you. And needs you. As do we all. Now you can step into the water, your highness.”
You are naked, but you do not feel ashamed. Despite the fact that the erection your mother caused has turned into an erection caused by Desdara. Carefully you step into the tub. The water is wonderful. You sit down and lean back. Desdara kneels next to the tub.
“Shall I massage your shoulders, your highness?”
“Well…Why not?”
She puts oil on her hands and start to rub your skin. It feels really good. You close your eyes. While kneading you she hums a song. You cannot hear the words, but it is soothing. It is impossible to tell how much time has passed when she stops.
“Have I pleased your highness?”
“Yes, Desdara…Indeed you have.”
“May I serve you more?”
You look at her. She has the same expression of embarrassment or expectation you have seen earlier. And this time you will not refuse.
“Yes, yenibosna escort Desdara. You may.”
She loosens her dress and pulls it over her head. Underneath she is completely nude, except for a couple of bracelets. Her little body is tight with muscles. She slides down into the tub, her legs touching yours.
“Tell me what you want, your highness. I will do anything you wish…Anything…”
You pull her closer and silence her with a kiss. She squeaks with joy and caresses your body. You remove your lips from hers long enough to growl: “Straddle me.”
Immediately she obeys, her thighs sliding over yours, her pussy close to your cock. You turn your attention to her breasts. Licking them, sucking them, biting them. Desdara moans encouragement.
“Do as you wish, my sweet prince…My body is yours…Enjoy…I enjoy…Honor me with your cock…Fuck me…Please…”
Suddenly you grip her asscheeks and pull her down on you. Fill her pussy with your cock. Desdara yelps and bucks. The water splashes as you give her what she wants. It is also what you want. You cannot think on anything else than this lovely creature so close to you. You must fuck her. And you do fuck her. It becomes wild and rough. Desdara holds on to your shoulders, her eyes closed in ecstasy.
“Do what you want…Oh, gods, it feels…Do not stop…Please…Bless me with your seed…Do not pull out…Breed me…Breed me…Breed me!!!”
And with a howl you do that. You grip each other tightly as your bodies’ spasm in unison. Desdara collapses against you, panting for air.
“Thank you…Thank you, your highness…You made me very happy.”
“And it makes me happy to hear it…Desdara, you must serve me at my baths in the future as well.”
Desdara giggles.
“As your highness wishes.”
You two remain like that for a while, calming down. Then Desdara raises her head and smiles broadly.
“I would like to spend eternity with your highness, but the queen should not be kept waiting for too long.”
Prince and servant leave the tub. Desdara takes a towels and rubs you dry. You cannot help touching her and becoming hard again. She smiles when she sees the effect she is having on you. She dresses you in a blue robe with nothing under it and accompanies you to a large door with a tree on it.
“The queen waits in there, your highness.”
You knock on the door. A voice bids you to enter. Inside is another bedroom, lavishly decorated with gold. A bed with white and purple hangings. You mother is sitting on a broad divan. She is not wearing the same dress as earlier. This is a more flimsy thing, with short sleeves and a lot of laces. She has removed her jewelry. It does not make her less beautiful. She motions you to sit next to her. You obey without hesitation. It feels natural to be close to her. She smiles cautiously.
“You look refreshed, my son.”
“I am refreshed…Desdara served me…very well.”
“I hoped she would.”¨
“Can I know more now?”
Alisha draws a deep breath.
“I shall tell you the truth. Why we need you. The whole kingdom needs you.”
“Me? A single man?”
“That is the important point. A man. You see…The realm is prosperous and peaceful. And it has been so for a long time. But…We do not know the reason…Some claim it is a curse…Some say it is a strange disease…Anyhow…There is much more women in the land than men. A lot more. To be truthful…You are the only one.”
“The only one?”
“Over the centuries, much more girls than boys have been born. Your father had thousands of children. And one son. You. Now your father is dead and his few male companions are gone. Only you remain.”
Things are coming back to you. Remembering faces, names, places and events. The plight of the kingdom. And a lot of…You feel dizzy.
“Your father did his yenimahalle escort duty and breed as many women as he could”, your mother continues, “When the turn came to you, you tried to do the same. I must say you showed great enthusiasm. But you exhausted yourself. Your health was in danger. Therefore you were put in a restorative sleep. It seems to have done you good. Now you can become king, as it was intended.”
“King? But you are the queen?”
“I am only queen until you can reign. And because I was chosen for that title by your father. You should know…I am not only your mother…I am also your half-sister…Such relationships have been common in the dynasty of Reversang, to which we belong. I would be honored if you decided to keep me as your consort, but of course I have no right to expect that.”
She looks away from you.
“If you prefers someone younger, someone different, someone that pleases you more, I understand if you…”
You stretch out and turn her face towards you. Her sad eyes are enchanting. How could anyone abandon such a woman? You certainly could not. You will not. She will stay. Because you must have her. You kiss your mother like she kissed you before, deep and passionate. Alisha moans and tugs at your robe.
“I love you, mother.”
“I love you too, my son…Oh, make love to me…”
And you do what you fantasied about. You kiss her neck and shoulders. You free her breasts and suckle, like you must have suckled them in the past. Alisha mews and throws her head back.
“I have missed you so much, my son…All our little games…All your passion…Not even your father could be such a wonderful beast like you…There is so much for you to enjoy…The daughters you gave me and sisters you gave yourself…They are ready for your cock…For your breeding…Every pussy in the kingdom is waiting for you…Hundreds of young brides giving themselves to you…I just hope…That you will not forget your loving mother…”
You rise from her bosom to give her a rough kiss. She smiles invitingly and pulls up her dress. There is no clothing underneath. Between her pale thighs the wet pussy glistens. Without giving it a second thought, you dive down to it, licking and sucking. You can feel your mother shaking and gasping with the intensity of pleasure. It is glorious. You burrow your face into her pussy. Her fingers is in your hair, trying to hold you still.
“Please…Allow me to reach fulfillment with your cock inside me…Please…Fuck me…”
“As my queen wishes.”
You rises to your feet and rip of the robe. Your cock is rock-hard. For a fleeting moment you think that you should carry her to the bed, that it will be more comfortable there. Then you see her lustful smile, her hazy eyes. You must fuck her. Now. You climb atop her. Her hips are rising to welcome your advance. Your cock is at her opening. You kiss her again and she licks her own wetness from your face.
“Fuck me”, she whispers, “Fuck your mother…”
You grip her waist and push forward. And all rational thought ceases. The prince and the queen, mother and son, are reduced to two creatures united by animalistic lust. You gasp and caress and claw and lick and bite. And fuck and fuck and fuck. And your mother does exactly the same, urging you onwards, showing her love with her writhing body, her tempting mouth. The climax approaches. You hold her down and her legs hold you in place. She looks pleading on you.
“Thank you, son…Make your mother happy…Breed me…That is all I want…Give me children…Expand the dynasty…Save the kingdom…And do not…stop…fucking…me!”
With a last thrust you cum. And in a flash you remember, how it always feels good fucking with Alisha, how she introduced you to the joys and arts of love and copulation, how she has been your mistress, your advisor, your best friend and the manager of your harem. How much you love her. Panting you press against her.
“Mother…Now I remember…Everything about us…”
“The gods be praised…Oh, I love you…Do not pull out yet…I want to be certain that you breed me…”
“As my queen desires.”
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