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Boobs Make You Stupid Ch. 07


Boobs Make You Stupid Ch 7

“Holy fuck!” I couldn’t believe what I just did. The night before, Bill, Shannon and I had a fuck-fest at the bar. I came home covered in stinky male and female cum; my nylons shredded. I forgot my purse at the bar and when I called to make sure it was still there, Shannon left me a message saying to dress up and come back to the bar that night. I ended up going to a lingerie shop and ended up fucking the Nicole the sales clerk. I had to do the slut walk from my car to my apartment.

I still had a number of hours to prep for this evening outing. First, I needed to carefully clean my Victoria Lake wig since it was soaked with sex juice and then styled back to something respectable. But it wouldn’t be wearable tonight. Fortunately I had another.

I hand washed my dirty dainties and laid them out to dry. I carefully removed my G-cup boob forms from my chest (it was amazing that they didn’t fall off) and cleansed them thoroughly before I drew myself a deep, hot bath. It felt great to relax in the soaker tub especially with the lilac scented bath bombs I threw in. Any sex aches soon vanished into the soothing liquid.

I kept my balls, shaft and ass clean shaven. I checked the rest of my body and legs for any stray hairs not that I had a lot to begin with anyways.

The bath cooled off and I climbed out of the tub totally relaxed. I patted myself dry with a big fluffy towel before dusting on some scented body powder. I checked the clock and still had ample time to get ready and go. I pulled on a pure white, mid-thigh length, mesh and lace robe and tied the sash around my waist. I slipped on some four-inch heeled slippers to walk around the house in.

“It’s five o’clock somewhere in the world!” I said to myself as I opened a bottle of white and poured a glass. Wet condensation immediately coated the outside. I took a seat in the big wing chair. The leather was cold on my bum. “Ooo…!”

The leather soon warmed up as I enjoyed my drink. I thought about last night and about today. Blood started to rush to my groin. My hard-on stuck straight up. I mindlessly played with it careful not to make myself too excited. Just enough to get my pre-cum flowing. It was so tasty with the wine.

Finally it was time to start getting ready. I got up, poured myself some more wine and made my way to my make-up mirror. I checked my finger and toe nails first. The white Frenched, glossy red enamel survived last night and sparkled in the light.

I decided to go with a sexy smoky look. I naturally didn’t need much concealer or foundation, but needed to shade properly to give me that high cheekbone look. Darker eyeshadow with a thicker eyeliner gave me that sexy cat-eye look. The mascara on my long lashes made them look even longer. I chose a red-purple lipstick and dark lip liner all protected from smearing with lip sealer.

I carefully positioned and placed my cleaned, G-cup boob. With the self-adhering forms, I could go braless and I loved the way they pulled down my chest with no bra support but I wanted to wear my newly acquired lingerie. The orange bra first. The cups cradled my boobs as I adjusted them into a nice, deep cleavage. I opted for the crotchless, assless panty. I wore them under the high-waist, eight-strap matching garter belt.

In all the excitement at the store today, I had forgotten to pick up some new stockings, but it was very fortunate that another pair I had would go well. Black with black seams and a thick, wide welts. They felt silky sliding them on. I attached each of the eight clips to the stocking tops. I made sure each strap was properly straight and spaced. The back strap was the most difficult as I had to bend over to do it; one hand around my hip, the other reaching between my legs. My arm rubbed against my erection.

I chose a black, diaphanous, front button blouse. The blouse was made to wear over a camisole. Since it was only slightly opaque, the bright orange bra could Kurtköy travesti be easily seen. I left the top four buttons undone.

I decided on classy, wide leg pants. They were shiny satin with deep, slash side pockets. It felt smooth and cooled against any of my exposed legs.

“Shoe! What shoes should I wear?” I asked myself. I didn’t have a great selection to pick from. “The red one are nice but wouldn’t go with the orange. Hmmm… I guess these one will have to do.”

I picked out the shiny black patent leather, closed, pointy toed pumps. Standing in the five-inch, pencil thin, steel shank heels would make back sway in and my bum and boobs stick out even more.

I couldn’t wear my Victoria Lake hair since I just cleaned it. I opened the box that contained my alternate wig. Raven black; cut in a page boy with bangs. Kinda, Uma Thurman in the Pulp Fiction dance scene with Travolta.

I wore my simple strand of perfect pearls and dangling, drop pearl earrings only. No other bangles since I figure they might get destroyed during some feisty activities.

It was cooler by the time I left the apartment for the bar. The flimsy blouse I had on would do little to protect me from getting chilled. I didn’t have much in the way of female over coats or jackets but I had a leather bomber jacket that would do.

I checked myself out in the mirror one more time before leaving. I had adjusted my garter straps very tautly so with each step I took, I was reminded of them as they bit into my thighs and backside. The carpeted hallway floor muted the clicking of my heels as I strode with confidence.

Since it was cooler out and I figured I’d be in no shape to drive home, I called a cab to take me. Of course, with my purse was still at the bar, I’d have to pay the driver somehow. I was happy to see the cabbie was a fairly attractive, middle aged man when I got into the front seat. Before he could start the meter, I gently grabbed his wrist and told him I’d pay the fare in a different manner. I opened my jacket and showed him my boobs. He looked at me but when my hand dropped to his crotch, he just started to drive.

I pulled him out. He wasn’t long but was pretty thick; a nice fistful. I was only going to give him a handjob but I couldn’t resist it. I leaned over and put my face down into his lap. I pulled back his foreskin to expose his leaking, red knob. I had to open my mouth wide so I could put my lips around his head. He tasted pretty good. He placed a hand on the back of my head but didn’t push; only guided. I could have easily took him deep but sitting and the angle I was at made it difficult.

I felt the car stop and thought we were at a light. Cabbie held my head in place and started thrusting upwards until his hot jism hit the back of my throat. “Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!”

With my lips sealed tightly around his girth, the massive volume of cum had only two places to go; in my belly and out my nose. I swallowed what I could; I snored out the rest.

The cabbie’s cock started to wilt immediately. I sat back up and felt his cum drip from my nostrils. I licked up as much as I could before wiping off the rest. I checked my face and giggled. “Good thing I put on smear proof lippy and make-up!”

I looked at Cabbie. He was panting heavily and couldn’t really speak. He managed to wave to me that I could get out of his taxi. I gave a deep, hard kiss with tongue before getting out. “I wonder if he knew I wasn’t a real girl?”

I entered the bar. Shannon was waiting for me to arrive. It took a second for her to recognize me with different hair but then she greeted me with a huge grin. She dashed over and gave me a hard, passionate kiss on the lips. When we broke, she licked her lips and smiled at me knowingly. Her finger wiped the side of my mouth and showed me a creamy coloured droplet. She fed it to me.

I sat at the back part of the bar. My garter straps buckles dug hard into my thighs as I plopped Kurtköy travestileri my ass on the stool. Shannon greeted me as she placed a glass filled JW Black in front of me. I took off my jacket and watched Shannon’s eyes pop when she saw what I was wearing. I thrusted my boobs out at her and teased. “Are you trying to get me drunk already?”

She just smiled and turned to serve another customer, but she returned moments later. “Here’s the note Bill left you. Try not to be too upset.”

I didn’t understand as I opened the envelop and took out the note written on hotel stationary. It read.

“To my love:

I am sorry but I was called back to my office in San Francisco and had to leave immediately. I left my business card. I hope we can get together again if and when I get back here. Or you can come down and visit me!

Love Bill.

PS: missing you already!”

I sat there feeling a little sorry for myself. I enjoyed Bill’s company especially since he accepted me totally. I had not noticed that Shannon had come around to my side until she gave me a warm hug. “I hope you’re okay. He told me when he left the note.”

“I’m a bit sad but glad we had some time together.” I consoled myself. “And I still have you!”

It was pretty busy in the bar for a change. Great for business but not for alone time with Shannon. I lost count of how many double Johnnie Black I had. Between her serving others, Shannon made sure my glass was never dry. A couple of guys tried to hit on me. One guy, Gerry tried to get a little further.

“Hi. I noticed you were sitting alone. May I join you for a bit?” He asked me. “I’m Gerry.”

“Veronica… Ronnie.” I said. “Please have a seat. Entertain me.”

We talked for a bit. Gerry was pretty touchie-feelie. First my hand; then my arm; then my knee and then my thigh. His fingers found my garter clips and traced the strap running up my leg. He wanted to go higher but I stopped his hand. “I’m not that kind of girl!”

Knowing he wasn’t going to get any further, Gerry abandoned his quest. Shannon came over. “He’s cute, eh? He’s got a nice cock too!”

I looked back at Shannon.

“Yes! And all my holes!” Smirked Shannon. “I’m sure you would have loved it too but I’m not sure he would appreciate your (air quotes) condition.”

About midnight, the majority of customers had left. With one other table remaining and getting to ready to leave, Shannon was able to come over to talk.

“Hey, Ronnie! I’m sorry I couldn’t spend more time with you.” Shannon apologized. “Wow! We haven’t been that slammed for a while!”

“No problem. Got to make money while you can.” I felt a little woozy and teetered on my seat. “Whoa! How many have you served me! You can’t make a profit on that!”

“For my baby girl! Just to make up for Bill leaving. Plus a few guys bought you a couple of rounds too.” Shannon smiled. “By the way, did I tell you how hot you look? Those guys thought so too!”

Shannon came in and gave me a huge, long hug. An arm around my back pulled me in and squished our massive tits together. Her other hand grabbed my butt and along my thigh. “I love it when you wear garters and stockings!”

We locked lips. She invaded my open mouth with her strong tongue. I tried to suck her face. Her hand found my hard cock and started to rub it. I was so horny, I could have exploded there and then. Shannon broke away suddenly. “Wait here!”

She disappeared for a number of minutes before returning. She had a huge Cheshire cat smile on her face as she stood a few feet away from me. She moved her hands from her hips to her boobs and bounced them up and down. She had taken off her bra and pinched her hard nipples. One hand remained playing with her tits while the other slowly descended down her belly and then to her crotch. Her tight, black yoga pants did little to hide the large lump between her legs.

I moved off my seat and knelt in front of her. I Travesti kurtköy pulled down her waist band. As I lowered her pants, my eyes grew larger. Shannon had a very hefty cock. It was a long, double ended dildo with half of it still sticking out. When I pulled her pants down enough to release it, her cock smacked me in the face. “Like it?”

Her exposed “cock” had to be at least nine thick inches. When I grabbed it, it felt firm yet soft like a real cock. Holding it straight out, I opened my mouth and closed my lips around the fat head. I moved back and forth to take in more and more. I tried my best but could only take a little more than half. Shannon helped by forcing a few more inches down my throat.

Shannon moved me to a table and had me lie on top. She pulled my pants off and was extremely happy to see me in my new lingerie. She especially like the fact that my panties were crotch and assless. She brought my legs up and pushed my knees into my big boobs so she could work her tongue into my asshole. Now well lubricated with her spit, Shannon took hold of her shaft and positioned the tip against me. I smiled and nodded that I was ready.

My hole stretched as she slowly pushed it in. It went in smoothly. When I felt her hips bump against my ass, I could feel her cock in my tummy. Shannon used slow, small, short back and forth thrusts. Sometimes her cock went deeper into her while other times it went deeper into me.

The drink and my adrenalin affected my brain. My dick was as solid as a steel rod. Pre-cum was freely flowing out of the pee-hole. Shannon ripped my blouse open and mauled my breasts. She was shoving her cock into me harder now. Her knob bumped against my prostate. I wasn’t going to last much… “Oh fuck! I’m cumming. I’m C…U…M…M…M…I…N…G!”

White, hot cream spewed from my cock; spraying all over my face and boobs as Shannon continued to ream my ass as hard as she could. Even after all that was left was dribbling, Shannon kept ramming my ass. My mind saw wild shapes and colours as I got lost in my orgasm.

Finally, Shannon stopped. She released her hold of my legs. My body and limbs spasmed uncontrollably. She pulled the snake from her snatch and shoved a bit more inside of me. Naked from the waist down, she went behind the bar and poured a couple more drinks. By the time she returned, my ass had spat out the rubber dick. My bowels felt so empty as my stretched hole pulsated open and close.

Shannon helped me sit in an armed chair. Rather than sitting beside or on me, Shannon sat on the table edge facing me. She placed her feet on the armrests; knees spread, pussy dripping. I needed no further instruction as I leaned forward face first. My lips burned as they kissed her hot gaping cunt.

Shannon grabbed the back of my head and face fucked me hard. Her wild humping gnashed her pussy all over my face and made it hard to breath. Then suddenly a flood of juice inundated my face. “Uuuhhh…! Oh fuck! Eat me you slut! Eat me! Oooohhh…!”

She held me tight between her legs; drowning me in her girl cum. With my nose and mouth sealed in her Vee, I couldn’t breathe and I started to get a little light headed from the lack of oxygen until finally Shannon released her grip on me. I nearly fell off my seat as I gasped for air.

My face felt cool as her wet evaporated. My hair dripped. My blouse ripped and soaked.

“You look a mess, Ronnie! Your make-up is all smeared!” Shannon giggled. “Stay there!”

Shannon got a damp towel to wipe me up a bit and then reapplied some eyeshadow and lippy from her purse. “That’s a bit better. You look like a girl again. Now fuck me! I want that cock of yours in my cunt!”

By the time we finished, it was three in the morning. Four o’clock by the time I was able to leave. My bloused in tatters, I just wore my jacket over my bra. Shannon and I shared a cab that dropped me off first. I kissed her good night and made my way to my apartment.

As quietly as I could, I walked across the hard bare floors to the elevators. My high heels clacked loudly. The sound was booming in the silence of the night.

I opened the door to my apartment and locked it behind me. I turned and stopped. Sleeping on the couch was my girlfriend Britney.

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