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Big Jim and Little Tim Ch. 05


The caterers must have thought that they had hit the jackpot when they set up lunch for the Donkey Productions staff. There were a bevy of females, one of whom was topless, and another clad in her underwear. A third woman clad in a mini-dress was dangling her leg over a naked man whose penis hung halfway to the ground, but was otherwise ignoring him. A naked boy, completely unashamed over his nudity, was getting something rubbed onto his butt by an attractive, clothed woman. Pete walked over and settled up the bill.

“Good work if you can get it, eh?” The caterers said nothing. They were used to seeing strangeness, but this was a little beyond their everyday strangeness. Better to remain silent they thought, and increase their chances of getting more business from these people.

Tim’s butt was sore, but his penis was sated. Jo had really drained him. The same could be said about James, at least concerning his butt, but his penis was rarely sated. Jane was doing her best to arouse it by sitting in a way that allowed James to see under her dress, should he be so inclined. He was.

“Jane, could you stand up for a second?”


“Your dress,” he said, lifting the hem up slightly, “oh, maybe not…I thought you were pulling a Jessie. I didn’t think the front of your dress covered your crotch.”

“I don’t need to flaunt,” Jane replied, “just tease.” She smoothed her hem. “It’s a little stretched out, I suppose. But it’s forty-years-old, this dress, so what do you expect. This is the one my mother brought over yesterday. What’s the matter? Aren’t I teasing him enough?”

James looked down at his cock, which still hung flaccid between legs. “Don’t judge by this,” he said, lifting it up. “I’m just waiting for the right moment.” No sooner had he said that than a soft breeze lifted Jane’s hem, and a tiny sliver of panty was displayed for a brief second.

“Aha,” he exclaimed. “I think that’s the right moment.” Mr. Penis began to rise and was sticking outwardly. Jane shook her head and laughed. There was no challenge in turning him on.

“You did really good this morning,” cooed Monica, as she applied balm to Tim’s sore region. “Every Donkey man gets done one way or another, and you passed with flying colors.” She rubbed her hand over his butt cheeks. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not hungry right now. Let’s go inside; I’ll show you my appreciation.”

Tim smiled sheepishly as they made their way to the house. He was expected to deliver another cum shot that afternoon, but Monica assumed she’d be able to coax one out of him now and still have him ready for the camera at the appropriate time. Oh to be young and full of vigor, she thought.

Jo and Yanka meanwhile were getting to know each other better by spreading salad dressing over Jo’s breasts and having Yanka lick it off. Jo didn’t usually go for women, but as she liked to say, she was tri-sexual, which meant that she’d try anything. And who better to experiment with than the exotic Yanka, for whom it was all in a day’s work. The morning session left her unfulfilled. She was feeling randy. Man or woman, it didn’t matter.

Pete munched on a sandwich and kept an eye on the driveway for the arrival of Jacky. He had seen Monica go off with Tim, and he was concerned. It was going to end badly, he figured, and was hoping that the long-term damage to the company was minimal. He would have reasoned with her, but passion rarely listens to reason, so why bother. And who was he, anyway, to tell his ex-wide how to live. He was no Saint, and he liked them young too, just like Monica. And look who was approaching him, Miss gym shorts and tank top; and she had a trust fund too, just like her brother. Yeah, I’d bone that, Pete thought to himself.

“What’s up, Mister Pete?”

“Hey kid, I’m just waiting for our diva to show up. I hope she finds the place.”

“Have you seen Monica?”

“Yeah, she’s inside, fucking your brother.” Pete was nothing, if not honest.

“I could use some of that myself,” she said.

“Kid, your day will come. I thought you had eyes for the elephant boy?”

Mandy sighed. “Yeah, but he only has eyes for long legs over there.”

“Kid, don’t give up. You see something, you want it, you go grab it.”


Jacky was thirty-nine, but claimed to be thirty-five. Pete had met her at a club; she was a friend of a friend. Monica needed someone to play his wife in a scene. Someone hot, but not too hot. Someone who could still turn the head of a younger man. Someone who didn’t mind doing a threesome with an eighteen-year-old boy and a thirty-year-old with a freakish dick. In short, they needed a Donkey girl. Pete performed a personal inspection on Jacky, and she passed the test. She could fuck, she could suck, and the tiny jellyroll around her waist endeared rather than repelled. Jacky still retained a sexy edge, she still had the look; a look that suggested she was good in bed. She had the potential to be a Donkey girl. ataköy escort Pete took some nude photos and sent them to Monica, who found them intriguing. Not only that, Pete said that she talked like ‘Mae West on steroids’.

Jacky had long, blond hair with bangs coming down almost to her eyes. Pete also sent Monica some photos of Jacky in a black bra and panties. Her ample breasts got pushed up by the bra and practically spilled out, which was the final selling point, as those pleased Monica more than the nude photos. Jacky’s breasts were close to being in Olivia’s territory, but not quite. The director was working out the details of how Jacky could give Tim a tit fuck while keeping her bra on, and have James plug her from behind. Or maybe Jacky could lie down and Tim could straddle her. It would probably turn him on if he slipped his penis under her bra. Maybe James could stand over them and beat off and spill his cum on both of them. So many possibilities…

“You know what would really turn me on,” Jane said, “I’d love to see you go full homo.”

“Ain’t gonna happen,” replied James.

“You wouldn’t do that for me? If you did, I’d let you do anything to me that you wanted. I’d hold it for you while you peed; you could even piss on me…let’s see, what else…you could fuck me in the ass, how’s that? Even though you’d probably break me in half, I’d let you do it. You could do anything. You could go through my underwear drawer and…wait, that’s too weird, even for me.

“You know, you owe me.”

“For what?”

“Have you forgotten about next week with your mother?”

“I thought I already paid you for that.”

“That was only a down-payment, and since you brought it up, I do want you to hold my cock when I pee.”

“Only if you take it in the ass.”

“No, that’s a separate issue. If you want me to go to your mother’s school then you’ll have to hold it.”

“All right,” she said, grudgingly, but with an exaggerated reluctance that suggested she wouldn’t mind.

“And about your underwear drawer?”

“What about it?”

“How many pairs of panties do you own?”

“I don’t know. About fifty.”


“Okay, sixty.”

“Sixty! You’re putting me on.”

“I like variety. Some woman collect shoes, I collect panties. Does that make me a bad person?”

“It makes you the hottest woman I know. I want access. I want to see them. You need to hold my cock when I pee, and I want to see your panty drawer. You do that and I’ll make your mother happy next week.”

“All right, all right,” Jane said, “but what about that homo scene? I’ll even let you choose the man, although I have someone in mind.” Jane smiled devilishly.

“Let me guess…Dan.”

“He has the cutest penis. You’re bigger, but Dan’s is cuter. If we did a threesome, both you guys could do anything to me. I’d be your sex slave. All I ask is that you poke each other in the ass.”

“Why? Why do you care so much about that?”

“I don’t know,” Jane replied, blushing slightly. “It’s a turn-on for me, I guess. You have your fantasy, I have mine.”

“It probably ain’t gonna happen…but you never know.”

“You could fuck me all day and all night…anything you want. Please, it’s my biggest fantasy.”

“We’ll see. But come with me right now.”

“Why, where we going?”

“I gotta pee.”

Jane groaned. “I hope my mother appreciates what I’m doing for her.”

They walked towards the house, but stopped before entering.

“I think the grass needs watering,” James announced.

It’s not certain who enjoyed it more. James of course loved the feel of Jane’s hand on his cock, and having it there while he urinated fulfilled an erotic fantasy he harbored for a long time. It was a new sensation for Jane, and she imagined that she could feel the surge, the flow of the liquid as it came out. No content with simply holding it, she began to jerk it slightly too. Fortunately for James, he was too far into the cycle to have it be interrupted by a boner.

“Watch this,” he said, after he was done. He grabbed hold of his erect cock and began to beat it furiously, wanting to orgasm as quickly as he could. For an experienced user like James it wouldn’t take long, not with the visual and physical stimulation Jane had provided. Three quick grunts signaled that he was close. Jane took a step back. “Oh yeah,” he whispered, “oh yeah.” A nice long moan accompanied the semen as it spewed out. For good measure he changed his stance and managed to squirt Jane on her lower leg before she squealed and ran away. James drained the remaining seed from his loins. He was content. Maybe working with Jane’s mother wouldn’t be so bad.


“About time you got here,” Pete said to Jacky.

“You said twelve; it’s twelve. What’s the problem?”

“No problem. I’m just fucking with you, letting off some energy. The director is boning some young incirli escort punk and I have to keep things together. Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

Jacky was wearing a very tight, light blue skirt that may have been one size too small, suggesting that she bought it when she was a few pounds lighter in the hips. Or it might just be that she enjoyed wearing skirts that were form fitting. She was proud of her frame and didn’t mind letting it show. She wasn’t worried about her appearance. She had a long string of admirers who would follow her around like a puppy dog had she let them. The skirt stopped about two inches above the knee. Modest, yet suggestive. She also had on a sleeveless, white knit top that could not conceal the fact that she had large breasts. As Pete led her towards the long-legged vamp and the naked man with the gigantic penis, she was acutely aware of what she was dealing with. Jacky knew men, and she knew cocks, and she instinctively knew that this one had just fired off a rocket.

“Looks like I got here too late,” she said. James’ penis was still glistening with spent semen.

“Am I working with her,” James asked Pete?”

“You are, you lucky bastard.” Pete hugged her. “I’ve tested her out, and believe me, you’ll thank me later. She is a hot one.”

“For an attractive woman like you, I’ll be able to cum again.”

“That’s good to know. My experience has been that the bigger the dick the harder it is to cum, but you look like you might be an exception to the rule.”

“He better be,” Pete said, “or else Monica will have his ass. And you,” he said, pointing at Jane, “you should know better. You know he has to work this afternoon.”

“He forced himself on me. He’s sick. I’m just a helpless female. What could I do?”

“I thought there was a second man,” Jacky said. For her $400 fee, she was told to expect a threesome, and she wanted to earn her money. Plus, she enjoyed threesomes.

“There is; he’s boning the director at the moment.”

“I hope she leaves something for me…although, big boy here has enough cock for two men.” James blushed, Pete smiled, and Jane got up to see what it was they were serving for lunch. Jo and Yanka, meanwhile, were lost in their own world, as Yanka was sampling some food that she had spread over Jo’s pussy.

“Hey, will you two dykes knock it off, for Christ sakes? We’re about to start.” Out of the corner of his eye Pete could see that Monica and Tim were returning

Monica was feeling good. She had laid Tim out on the dining room table, and there was nothing like having a woman holding a cock in her hand to get at the truth. Tim confessed his lusty thoughts about Yanka, but he had lusty thoughts for a lot of women, and what was he supposed to do, with his cock hanging out and Yanka staring at it while wearing the shortest, tightest dress he had ever seen? And everyone, even Monica, had seen her yellow panties. He was only human, but more importantly, nobody; not Yanka, not Lynn, not anyone, could compare to his sweet mama Monica. She was all he needed, if only…if only, she could squeeze his penis just a little harder, or better yet, suck on it like it was a lollipop and empty out the white, creamy love juice that was building up inside his six-inch boner and was dying to see the light of day. Flattered, Monica gave extra special attention to his swollen organ, and happily allowed his sperm to roll down her hand and wrist. When Tim was lying on his back his semen had a way of flying straight up in the air before gravity plopped it down. Monica liked watching it. Each orgasm was like a mortgage; a few more and she would own him outright.

“Let’s clean you up,” she said, “We have work to do.”

“You’re cute,” Jacky said to Tim, eyeballing his penis, once he arrived. “But are you going to be able to get an erection? I don’t have time for softies.”

“Don’t worry about me,” he said.

“Okay, we start in five minutes,” said Monica, and she and Tim walked to the food table.

Jacky leered lecherously at Tim’s naked butt. She saw the redness and the blistering, and she knew that something kinky had taken place. “I’d eat that little boy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I only hope that she left some table scraps.”

The scene they were about to film would start innocuously. Pete and Jacky would be playing Jo’s parents, who just caught their daughter in the backyard with two naked men. Both Jo and Yanka would wear their panties, and Yanka also got to keep her bra on, Monica doing that as a favor to Tim. To add a layer of perversion – the Donkey touch – Monica would have Tim on his knees, sucking James’ cock, when Jo’s parents entered the scene. It would imply that the girls were still in charge, still dominating the hapless men.

“What’s going on here,” Pete demanded to know?

Caught in the embarrassing position, Jo fled the scene. Yanka also tried to flee, but Pete grabbed her arm and prevented bakırköy escort her from doing so. Jacky walked over to the two naked men, who were cowering in her presence.

“Look at you,” she said, in reference to their reddened butts. “What have those girls done to you?”

Monica ordered a pause. When they resumed filming the two men were standing right next to each other, their butts barely apart. Jacky was applying ointment to the bruised and battered areas. As she used her hand to apply ointment to one butt, she massaged the other one with her free hand. Monica had Tim and James face inward as best they could, so that their erect penises were almost touching. Had Tim’s cock been just a few inches longer Monica would have had a takeaway – penis touching – but in her business you had to take the good with the bad. Still, it was a very erotic moment.

Jacky said that she had better remove her clothes, as she didn’t want to get ointment on them, and since her hands were already oily, James and Tim forgot about their pain and anguish and helped her undress. Jacky raised her arms so James could lift her sleeveless top over her head, while Tim unzipped her skirt and lowered it to the ground. Jacky’s bra and panties were black, just like in the photos Pete had sent Monica. There was no longer any worries about Tim’s ability to get an erection, for he was paying homage to the underwear-clad woman by giving her a six-inch salute. To no one’s surprise, James gave her a fourteen-inch salute.

This scene was going to have multiple things going on simultaneously. Pete was going to be doing something with Yanka, and Jo would return and watch the proceedings while hiding behind a tree, using her hand to get herself off, aroused by the sight of her parents’ sexual antics. Monica decided to film them individually, using all three cameras for each. It would mean a lot more editing, but it would be worth it. Once Jacky had stripped down Monica had them take a break. Pete hadn’t had an orgasm yet, so she’d let him go first and give James and Tim extra time to replenish their energy.

When filming resumed Pete had Yanka laid out across his lap. Monica instructed Pete to spank her as hard as he could, but he didn’t need to be told; he knew that those who like to dish out pain also like to receive it. His hand came down hard on Yanka’s yellow covered butt. He smacked her viciously about twenty times, or until his hand hurt. Yanka pretended to be in anguish. Pete ordered her to stand up and remove her panties. Yanka was happy to do so. She loved being the victim almost as much as being the perpetrator. She went back down across his lap, only this time Pete had a paddle in his hand, and he whacked her bare butt with all of his might. Yanka’s screams were no longer acting, but neither was her arousal, those feelings of yearning that tingled her vagina. Her helplessness stirred her eroticism. She was begging for more, but what she was really begging for was something to fill the void in her cunt.

While James and Tim watched Yanka, Jacky watched James and Tim. More specifically, she watched their penises. She saw that the six-incher was extremely turned-on by Yanka’s predicament.

“Don’t touch your pee-pee,” she said, quietly, to the aroused boy. Using her hands to prop up her bra-encased boobs, she said: “I’m going to let you stick your boner in-between these, so you need to save yourself.”

Tim blushed, but Jacky’s warning worked, and Tim removed his hand from his cock, where it had been resting.

Pete might not have been a genius, but he wasn’t stupid, especially when it came to the opposite sex. Yanka was begging for more? He’d give her more. He put down the paddle and caressed her bruised and bleeding butt. He leaned forward and kissed it. He then laid Yanka on the ground and stood over her as he removed his clothes. By the time Pete had gotten his boxers off he was sprouting nine-inches, his maximum. He enjoyed spanking her, but fucking her would be even better. Yanka writhed seductively, waiting for Pete to enter her.

Pete fucked her as hard as he could. It was mechanical, textbook sex. He fucked her violently, like he was trying to hurt her. He wanted to see her eyes roll back in ecstasy; he wanted to give her something to remember. Yanka’s moans sounded real. Pete was a real good fucker. Monica remembered why it was that she had married him in the first place. While he could be considerate when he wanted to be, thinking only about pleasuring his partner, his animal instincts sometimes got the better of him; yet when he was focused solely on his own cravings, he was still able to satisfy. Years of practice, he would say, to anyone wondering how and why. And if you needed more proof, just ask Yanka.

Pete’s body began to make heaving, jerky motions and it became clear that he was nearing orgasm. The cameras readied themselves for the money shot. With a final grunt he removed his cock from inside Yanka’s cunt and left a large puddle of creamy fluid on her stomach. Caught up in the moment, Pete did something he had never done before. He licked his own semen up with his tongue and then kissed Yanka, re-depositing his fluid inside her mouth.

“And that…is a cut,” said Monica, excitedly! And that…was a takeaway, she thought to herself.

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