One final click, and it was posted. I scooted my chair away from my desk dramatically and stood. I needed to do something for the next couple of hours to distract myself. I threw on a pair of running shorts and shoes, hitting the trail behind my apartment complex. I ran hard, my legs on fire by the end of it. I needed a hot shower and to get ready.
Once I looked presentable and smelled better, I stared at my reflection in my floor length mirror for a while. A cute skirt, with a cardigan and boots. My usually frizzy, blonde hair was smoothed down with a flat iron. I applied my makeup carefully, giving myself the sought-after cat eyes.
I flippantly checked my phone for the thirtieth time and decided it would be fine to show early. That way, I could get comfortable and scope out the scene before anyone else.
I hopped in my car and turned the ignition, driving slowly to one of my favorite coffee shops on Park Ave. It was busy enough, but not too busy; tucked into the corner at the end of the street. I strode through the doors, trying my best to keep a level of confidence. I found a seat close enough to the counter and ordered my drink and cookie. I was too nervous to eat, so slid the cookie aside and enjoyed my hot chai latte.
I pulled out my phone and reread the post one last time.
Sub looking for a dom, show up to Café Sasso’s on Park Avenue at 3pm wearing jeans and a red shirt. Bring a laptop and order a chocolate chip muffin.
That’s all I wrote, and I wondered if maybe I was much too vague. I thought maybe I should have added more details, been more specific. It was too late now, as it was nearly 3pm. I sipped my latte nervously. Maybe I should have noted they bring a book or something, as several people were working on laptops, one woman was even wearing a red shirt and jeans.
I bit at my thumbnail, worrying that a woman would show, since I hadn’t been more specific. Shit. I opened the post back up and tried to delete it as fast as I could, hurriedly shoving my arms through my cardigan, gathering my things.
Just then a man walked in. He was wearing a red tie, which accentuated his black suit. He had medium length dark brown hair, freshly shaven, tall, handsome. There was no way it could be him. I seemed to be frozen in place, watching him order a coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. I blanched, my mouth falling open. He turned and we made direct eye contact. There was a glimmer in his eye as he winked at me, walking towards me.
“Is this seat taken?” He looked down at my uneaten cookie and I shook my head furiously, flustered.
“N-no, it’s not.” I stammered.
He sat down and smiled warmly at me, folding his hands on the table. He took a sip of his coffee, asking, “What brings you in today? Studying?”
His inquiry made me laugh and shake my head. “No, I’m not a student. I’m just having
a coffee on my day off, how about you?” I started to relax; it couldn’t be him. Just a random friendly stranger.
“Are you sure you’re not waiting for someone?” he pressed.
“No, I’m alone.” I furrowed my brows as he cocked his head in confusion.
“So, you’re not waiting for a stranger to find you? Maybe a dom?” He smirked and took another sip of his coffee.
My heartbeat got a little faster. “You?” I asked.
“Me, what?”
“You read my ad?” I wrang my hands together under the table, crossing my legs.
His presence was domineering, and I felt small under his spectating gaze.
“You do realize anyone could have come here? It’s obvious who amongst all the people here, is a waiting submissive. I noticed you as soon as I walked in the door. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”
“I-I don’t know what I was thinking. I deleted the post and was about to leave when you walked in.” I started to become frustrated, I didn’t like being questioned.
“Well, I’m glad I found you, before some other creep did. If you were my sub, I would punish you severely for this.” His gaze darkened and I shuddered at the words, my sub.
“I wasn’t thinking clearly,” I admitted.
“Desperation can lead people to make all sorts of decisions.”
“I am not desperate. I just don’t know where else to find a dom.” This made a small smile grow at the corner of his mouth. His very full mouth.
“What are you looking for exactly?” He put his elbows on the table, leaning in closer.
“Just a teacher, someone to teach me about the whole kink community and how it works. I’ve never done anything like this before, I just don’t want to live a vanilla life anymore.”
“What’s so vanilla about your life?” he questioned.
“Everything, I work as a waitress in a restaurant, then I go home and sleep. Next day it’s the same. On my days off I try to do adult things, to find someone. But they all leave after a quick fuck. And half the time, it’s no good. I need something different.”
“So, you thought this was a good idea?” I glared up at him through thick lashes. He put his hands up in defense. “I just can’t get over akhisar escort it, that’s all. You could have been kidnapped, or worse.”
“I get it, it was dumb, moving on.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re a bit of a brat, aren’t you?”
“Excuse me?” My eyes widened and I momentarily wanted to punch him.
He laughed, “You really don’t know anything, huh?”
“That’s why I’m here.” I gave him a sweet smile and his expression darkened again.
“I’ve had many subs, but never one as innocent as you. They at least know the basics.”
I shivered, was he considering being my dom? He was so handsome; I couldn’t help but desire him. Especially being that I hadn’t slept with anyone in over a year. I gave up completely after my last hookup from the bar. Gross.
“So, do you have a sub now?” His eyebrow raised.
“No, I do not currently have a sub. I’ve been looking for a while. Are you interested?” A crooked smile and his features were that much sexier. His luscious locks of dark hair were perfectly placed, his white teeth gleamed, and his strong jaw clenched as he waited for my answer.
“Yes,” I blurted before thinking.
“Would you like to come somewhere quieter with me, so we can discuss the rules?”
I nodded, standing, taking his outstretched hand. Rules? What kind of rules?
He took my hand and we walked out like a couple together, like we’d known each other for years. He led me to his beautiful Mercedes and opened the passenger door for me and all. The interior smelled like it came off the lot that day. He got in and asked me if it was okay that we stopped at his house. I was slightly trepidatious but agreed.
We drove for about ten minutes in mostly silence, soft music in the background. He asked me about my job, and I didn’t have much to say. He told me he owned some huge realtor business. We pulled into his driveway, and I sighed in relief. I hated small talk.
The house was a mansion, California style, beautiful. He was filthy rich.
He helped me out and I started laughing, bent at the waist.
“What’s so funny?” He looked at me with concern.
“I didn’t even ask for your name,” I managed.
He laughed as well, “And I didn’t ask for yours. Mine is Andrew, and you?”
“Harley. You’re not going to kidnap me or anything, right?”
“That wouldn’t be very much fun, would it? You’d be terrified.”
It wasn’t the answer I was expecting and gave him a sidelong glance as we walked to the door. It was even more lavish inside the house. Cool colors, vaulted ceilings.
“Your home is beautiful.” I admired my surroundings.
“Thank you, as are you.” He winked and I blushed. “Look at that, how red your face is after a simple remark. Does your whole body turn red?”
I flushed deeper and looked down. “Yes, sometimes. If I’m mad enough.”
“What about pleasure? Does that make you turn red?” He walked closer to me, tucking a loose strand of my long blonde hair behind my ear. I was glad I had worn it down.
“I’m not sure.” He growled deep in his throat, fisting his hands into balls and moving away from me.
“Let’s sit and discuss the rules, shall we?” He motioned for me to sit on the couch across from the one he sat on.
“What kind of rules? Are there many of them?” My curiosity was sufficiently peaked.
“Depends on how compliant and/or comfortable you are with me and my ways. Speaking of which, we can start there. I like my subs with a little attitude, that can always be corrected with punishments. But if a sub defies me, the punishment is severe, sometimes even annulment of our contract. Yes, I write out a contract and have you sign it as well as myself.” He paused to give me a chance to ask questions.
“What counts as defying you?” I asked in a small voice.
He smiled, as if he knew what I would ask. “Going against my direct commands. For example, let us say that I told you to keep yourself safe when I’m not around. And you went ahead and did what you did today, or something similar, putting yourself in harms way. I would punish you severely. Spankings, being made to wait, a plethora of things I could do to you.”
I felt tingly all over and there were butterflies in the pit of my belly. I crossed my legs.
“Being made to wait?”
“I would make you wait to cum, to get fucked.” He was so blatantly honest; it took me aback. I blinked rapidly.
“Oh,” was all I could muster. “Could I use your bathroom really quick?” I asked.
He directed me to a large bathroom, and I checked my appearance, smoothing my hair back out of my flushed face. I splashed some cold water on my neck, trying to cool down. I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and shoved it down my skirt, wiping my excess wetness pooling in my panties. I sniffed at it, my arousal permeating the bathroom. I hoped Andrew wouldn’t notice and I walked out, sitting back down on the couch. Andrew was sitting with his ankle over his knee, waiting patiently. A slow smile aksaray escort spread across his face, and he sniffed the air. My pulse quickened, my body overheating once again.
“So, where do I sign?” I filled the silence.
His brow hitched damn near to his forehead. “That fast? No other questions?”
“How long would this last?” I inquired.
“There’s no set time, we go until we no longer want to. Is that okay with you?”
“I guess, it seems sort of uncertain.”
“I won’t wake up one day and decide I don’t want you anymore, that won’t happen.” He stood and went to a desk in the corner, shuffling around some papers. He walked back with a stapled stack of papers and a pen. “I’d like you to look this over and get back to me tomorrow.”
“That’s it? Why can’t I just read it here and sign? What if I do and the sex is terrible?”
“Ouch, that doesn’t hurt my pride at all. I can promise you, that won’t be the case.” His face turned serious, and he tucked another loose strand of hair behind my ear. The back of his hand caressed my cheekbone and I sighed. He smelled manly, like cloves and a hint of something else I couldn’t place. “How long?” I gave him a confused look. “How long since you’ve been touched, kissed…. fucked?” His head cocked at the last word.
“A long time, that’s all I’ll say. A very long time.”
“Why? Men must swarm you like flies every day.”
“Ha! Not even close,” I admitted.
He bent down and brushed his lips against mine lightly. He parted them with his tongue, touching it to mine. He straightened and I whimpered. He growled deep in his throat like he had done before, bent and took my lips in his mouth roughly, making out with me. He sucked on my tongue gently, and I moaned in response. He suddenly straightened, picking me up in his arms, still kissing me. He walked upstairs with me, as I wrapped my arms and legs around him.
“I can’t wait to taste you, please say yes,” he said in a guttural voice.
“Yes, please.”
“Sir,” he corrected.
“Yes, please, sir.” He squeezed my ass with his big hands and kissed me deeper.
Andrew walked into a large room and set me on the bed, getting atop of me and taking my clothes off. Pulling my shirt off, he ripped my skirt off my legs, throwing it across the room. He was breathing hard and fast. Then suddenly he stopped. He backed away and pressed himself against the wall across from me. I looked at him curiously. “What’s the matter?”
“We can’t. Not yet. I lost control just now, I’m sorry.”
“Did I do something wrong?” I furrowed my brows together.
“No. No, you did nothing wrong. I didn’t mean to go this far.” He turned and flew into the bathroom, slamming the door, leaving me half naked on the bed. I was confused and hurt. I must have done something wrong for him to act in such a way that he’d leave me alone.
I stood and walked over to my skirt, picking it up and sliding it back over my legs. I gathered my things and started to walk out the bedroom door when the bathroom opened, and Andrew gawked at me.
“You’re leaving?” He looked incredulous.
“I-uh, I thought you wanted that?” I was thoroughly confused.
“That’s not what I want, no. I just meant that we moved too fast. I didn’t mean to lose control over you like that. You make it hard for me.”
“Yeah? Well, why not just give in?” I purred, walking towards him.
He backed up and put his hand out as if to stop me. I felt mortified for acting so slutty. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and headed for the door. “Well, I do have some things to do, so maybe you could take me home?” I had to get out of there, he was confusing me, and it stung a little.
“I can do that, if you must leave.” He waved me towards the door, and I walked out, down the winding staircase, outside and to his car. He started the ignition but had a perturbed look upon his handsome face.
“Well, what do we do now?” I asked, trying to fill the silence.
“I would like you to look over the contract I gave you and get back to me tomorrow. We can discuss any questions you may have, etc.”
I uncrossed my legs, adjusting my skirt, causing a wave of my arousal to permeate the air of the car. Andrew sniffed at the air, his nostrils flaring wide and his knuckles turning white on the wheel.
“You are driving me mad, Harley girl.”
My face flushed and I apologized.
“Don’t apologize, you’re perfect. Even a blind man could see your beauty for what it is. Pure. I want nothing more than to own you, possess you and all that comes with it. But I will take my time with you, no rushing.” My heart futtered at his words.
We arrived at the coffee shop where my car was parked a couple of minutes later. I kissed him on the cheek goodbye, and he grabbed my jaw, caressing my cheek with his knuckles. The pad of his thumb ran over my bottom lip, I fought the urge to squirm.
“I will see you tomorrow. Here is my phone number, text or call whenever you need.” akyazı escort He said matter-of-factly. I nodded and left the car.
When I got home, I immediately rushed to the shower, where I took the showerhead out of its holder and masturbated for at least an hour. I could not get Andrew’s smell out of my nostrils. I wanted him so very badly, and we were so very close. But I of course fucked it up somehow. I would do everything in my power not to fuck it up the next day.
I showered and got into PJ’s, getting a glass of wine and Andrew’s contract. My phone chimed and I looked down to see it was an unknown number. I opened my phone, it was Andrew. How the hell did he get my cell number?
Andrew: ‘Hello lovely, did you get home okay? Have you had a chance to read the contract?’
Me: Got home fine, reading it now.
Andrew: Great. Pick you up tomorrow. What time works for you?
Me: Get off work at 5pm. I can drive if you send the address.
Andrew: I will pick you up at Dominic’s at 5pm sharp. See you then. Goodnight.
Me: How the hell do you know where I work? Same for my phone number?
Andrew: Watch that attitude missy. I have my ways.
Me: No promises. Goodnight.
It felt mildly like stalking but endearing at the same time. He went out of his way to track me down. I felt moist between my thighs, I clenched them together to stop the throbbing. It made it worse.
I managed to get through the contract after three glasses of wine. It was pretty basic and straight to the point. I was to follow orders or be punished, blah blah blah. I signed it and set it on my nightstand.
I woke horny and flustered. My dreams consisted of Andrew and the things I imagined he could do to me. I took another long shower before finally getting ready for work. I pinned my long straight blonde hair back into a low bun and threw on my uniform. Black slacks that accentuated my plump ass, and tight white button-down shirt with a collar.
I drove to work; the day went by quickly and uneventfully. 5pm rolled around fast and I hastened to do my end of shift routine and get out to the parking lot. I didn’t even check my appearance when I was walking out of the doors, and almost turned back but saw Andrew waiting for me. He was leaned up against his sexy car, looking mighty sexy himself. I bit my lip.
“Hey,” I said nonchalantly.
“You look amazing in your work uniform. You wear this every time you work?” He looked almost disturbed.
“Of course, what’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing at all lovely, you just look damn good. Men must stare at you all day and that…never mind. You ready?”
We drove to his place again and I wished I had brought a change of clothes. Although, something told me I may not be needing any clothes at all. Andrew guided me into the house and into the lush living room.
“Would you like something to drink?” Andrew offered.
“No, I’m okay.”
He sat down across from me and regarded me silently.
“I have the signed contract for you.” I pulled out the contract from my large purse and handed it to him.
“So, you’re okay with being punished whenever I please?” I figured he would quiz me.
“Yes,” I admitted. I had never experienced anything like this, but it was so exciting, I felt I would agree to nearly anything at that point.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it all night and I’ve come to a decision. You will be punished today for what you did to find a dom.”
I blanched. “Now?”
“Yes. Follow me upstairs, please.”
I followed after him up the stairs and into a room I hadn’t been in before. It was decorated tastefully in red and black. The huge four poster bed even had red silk sheets. There was a curved wooden stool with a ballet like bar in front of it. There was even a sex swing in the corner. He walked to a large wooden wardrobe and took out a black object that looked like a paddle. I shivered in anticipation.
“Take your clothes off,” Andrew demanded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. Now let’s see how well you can please me while I punish you.” I didn’t know what he meant.
I took my clothes off slowly, folding them and setting them on the curved stool. After everything was off, I stood awkwardly, covering my breasts.
“Uncover yourself, lovely.”
I unwrapped my arms from around myself and fisted my hands at my sides.
“My God, Harley.” He couldn’t take his eyes off me. He grazed over my body with his stare, making me get the chills. Goosebumps rose all over my arms and neck. “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to make that skin bright red like that beautiful face of yours.” That only made me blush more. “You do blush everywhere, my God it’s lovely. Bend over the bed.”
I moved to the bed and prostrated myself against its silkiness. I arched my back a bit, making my ass rise higher for his viewing. I felt amazing, pretty for once.
“Stay just like that. Now put your hands behind your back and keep them there. I will spank you harder if you move them.”
I followed his orders and felt his rough hand on my smooth ass cheek. He pressed his body against my ass, and I could feel his huge erection. It made me gasp. “So responsive, yes,” he muttered. “Now, count for me. We’ll do ten good ones for the danger you put yourself in.”
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