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An Unexpected Trip Ch. 03


An unexpected trip Pt. 03

Arthur woke to one of Digitalis’s blue feathers stuck to his face with his own drool. He sat up, peeling it away from his cheek. Next to him, his movement woke Digitalis.

“What time is it?” yawned Digitalis.

The small digital alarm clock was on Arthur’s side of the bed, and he noted two things when he turned over to look at it: the sky outside was dark, and he had a massive erection, straining against his pajama pants as he shifted. “It’s four forty-five in the morning.”

Digitalis sat up. “If it was summer I would go out for a run.”

“You are a strange, sexy man,” said Arthur. He turned back over, looking up at Digitalis. Digitalis’s eyes were amber yellow, had no pupils, and reflected subtly in the dark, glinting like muted flames from faraway lanterns. Like Arthur, he had a large set of birdlike wings; they were colored like a bluejay’s, though in the scant light only the white stripe across his wing stood out. Digitalis’s hair was blue, several shades lighter than his feathers, short, and wavy. He slid the blankets off himself and swung his legs off the bed.

“Thanks,” snorted Digitalis, leaning down to kiss Arthur. “I try.”

“Where are you going?” asked Arthur.

“I’m gonna make some instant coffee and check out what’s on cable at this hour.”

“How are you going to heat up the water though?” asked Arthur. There were no pots, pans, or kettles in the kitchen; Arthur had never known his father to cook anything that wasn’t microwaveable.

“I have a long history with instant coffee,” said Digitalis. “Hot tap water should work.”

Arthur got up and followed Digitalis to the kitchen, stowing his erection in the waistband of his pants and grabbing a bathrobe. Ten minutes later, they were cuddled up on the couch under a blanket, finishing their second round of instant coffee. The only programs on the air were infomercials and the local weather channel, and they drank the coffee quickly out of boredom. Arthur started really needing to pee after the first cup, but his persistent morning wood was handily keeping him from letting any out anytime soon. He couldn’t decide whether he liked it or not, and admired Digitalis’s butt when he hurried off to the kitchen, returning with a third cup of coffee for each of them.

“So what’d I miss?” asked Digitalis as he sat down.

“More snow in the weather forecast,” said Arthur. “It’s supposed to melt later though.”

Digitalis sighed. “Wonderful. We were only knee-deep in it yesterday. I’m a little scared to look outside.”

Arthur and Digitalis were currently staying in Arthur’s father’s former residence, a small mother-in-law house in Arthur’s brother’s backyard, for the upcoming funeral. It was cozy and hadn’t been used in the months since their father had gone into hospice care. Arthur’s brother Fox and his partner Caspia had cleaned it from top to bottom for the occasion.

“Maybe they’ll just cancel the funeral and we’ll get to go home.” yawned Arthur.

“The snow would have to clear up before we could go anywhere,” said Digitalis, kissing Arthur on the forehead. It made Arthur’s stubborn erection throb, hidden under the blanket. “Maybe I should go out and shovel the walkway before breakfast…does your brother own a snow shovel?”

Arthur leaned on Digitalis’s shoulder. Even at rest, he seemed to radiate heat. “I have no idea, Digit.”

“I just want to get my heart pumping somehow,” sighed Digitalis. “I guess I could do some pushups on the floor-“

“Or if you like,” said Arthur, sitting up. “Maybe I could help out?”

Digitalis stared at Arthur for a long moment, then turned pink. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”

Arthur sat up. “Well…a couple weeks ago I went to resupply on condoms, and I bought a-” Arthur paused, surprised to feel himself blushing. “I bought a…an um…an erotic novel. For us to read.”

“Did you bring it with us?” asked Digitalis.

Arthur nodded. “It’s in the front pocket of my backpack.”

Digitalis got up and disappeared into the bedroom to retrieve the book. Arthur hadn’t expected to feel this embarrassed about it, and thought he’d acted very cool and normal buying the book. He preened at his black-feathered wings nervously and smoothed back the keşan escort dark strands of hair escaping from his waist-length nighttime braid. The previous day, though uneventful, had been oddly draining. The funeral home had postponed their appointment due to the weather, and they’d spent the day indoors, playing board games with Arthur’s family. Meanwhile, the wind howled outside and the snow piled up.

“Seventeen Shades of Sensuality: An Anthology,” Digitalis read off the cover, emerging from the hallway. As he sat down he flipped through it. “No table of contents?”

“Not that I saw,” said Arthur, taking a slow drink of his coffee. It was awful, and almost distracted him while Digitalis surveyed the first pages.

“‘I sucked on the clitoris of’…” he read aloud, stopping to read ahead a little. “Bear, did you read this before you bought it?”

Arthur gulped. “No. It was just sitting there next to a display of cock rings and I just kind of…picked it up on the way to the counter. Why?”

Digitalis snorted, flipping through more of the book. “These are all…uh…written by the same guy.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” said Arthur. “It has an okay start.”

Digitalis cleared his throat and read: “…on the clitoris of her thoughts, until she moaned prosperity. I gripped her from behind and slow grind my fully erected sound mind against her childhood traumas-“

Forgetting that he was still holding his coffee mug to his lips, Arthur inhaled a large amount of instant coffee, spitting it in a fine spray all over the blanket and himself. The tap water was just hot enough to scald the back of his throat. Arthur breathed in to laugh and choked on the last of the coffee.

“You alright?” asked Digitalis.

Coughing, Arthur nodded. “I think I ruined the blanket-“

“It’s waterproof,” said Digitalis. “Don’t worry about it.”

“How do you know?” wheezed Arthur.

Digitalis picked up a corner of the blanket and turned it over to expose the tag. The label said it was waterproof, but Arthur wasn’t quite convinced. “If you’d like some more proof, though, I could try a demonstration.”

“I get that the coffee isn’t great, Digit, but-” Arthur paused to cough again. The blanket fell, and he glanced down to see the head of his penis poking out from under his waistband. “I’ll drink it if you don’t want it.”

Digitalis made sure Arthur was okay before replying: “I’m not talking about coffee, Bear.”

“I dunno, Digit,” said Arthur. “Coffee is one thing, but if you come on it-“

“Bear, I need to pee,” said Digitalis. “And I don’t want to come on the blanket either. I already ruined your blanket on our camping trip this year.”

Arthur snorted, sitting up. “I ruined it. You were just gracious enough to help out, and you even got me a new one.” Digitalis’s eyes found Arthur’s waistband and he blushed. Arthur’s stomach did a backflip that reminded him that his bladder was full.

Digitalis spread the coffee-spattered blanket on the living room floor, visibly pressing his legs together and shifting. The shape of his semi-hard dick stood out in the crotch of his dapper black silk pajama pants.

“Should I take off my clothes?” yawned Arthur.

“I’m happy either way,” said Digitalis, standing at the end of the blanket. His hands drifted downward and started fumbling with his crotch.

“You really do need to go,” said Arthur, taking off his robe and slinging it over the arm on the couch. He watched a wet spot forming in the fabric of Digitalis’s pants as he slowly sat down on the blanket. Digitalis hesitated, so Arthur placed a hand on his calf; Digitalis was shaking.

Without warning, Digitalis soaked the front of his pants, fumbling to yank down his waistband. He got some drops on the floor, but was able to keep most of it on the blanket between Arthur’s thighs.

“Where would you like it?” sighed Digitalis.

Arthur leaned back, stretching back his wings and spreading his thighs apart. “I think you know where, Digit.”

Digitalis’s stream hit Arthur’s cock where it poked out of his waistband. It made Arthur’s stomach tighten, and he let out an involuntary moan. He could already feel himself building to climax, and after about ten seconds, Digitalis kilis escort moved his stream down the shaft. It still felt good, but allowed Arthur to teeter back from the edge.

Arthur looked up, panting. Digitalis’s dick was almost fully hard, and his face was brilliant pink, contrasting his light blue hair. They were close enough to the front door to see out the small rectangular window to the backyard: the snow outside was at least waist-deep, swirling against the groggy violet sky.

“Is everything okay, Digit?” asked Arthur. Digitalis’s piss was very clear, and it spread out the drops of terrible instant coffee on the blanket.

Digitalis sighed again. “Well, my heart is definitely pumping.”

“As promised,” Arthur said primly. “Where shall we go from here?”

“I’m up for anything, as long as you pee on me at some point,” said Digitalis. His flow slowed to a drip, and he stood, letting his dick throb in the air.

“Good, good.” Arthur lay back on the blanket. “Did you happen to grab a condom when you…uh…”

Digitalis pulled a condom from his chest pocket with a mischievous grin, which faded a little as he patted down his pocket. “I forgot the lube though.” Digitalis hurried back to the bedroom and brought the small bottle into the living room.

Kneeling between Arthur’s legs, Digitalis rolled on the condom with practiced ease and applied the lube. With his free hand, he caressed the hard bulge in Arthur’s pajama pants.

“If you keep that up, I-“

“That’s kind of the point, Bear,” snorted Digitalis. “To be clear, I want to make you come.” Digitalis’s touch was delicate, but somehow more intense for it. He stopped just short of Arthur losing his load, and Arthur slumped back on the floor. Arthur was suddenly sweaty, and his bad wing was starting to cramp.

“Well yeah, that too,” panted Arthur, “But I meant that it’ll be harder to get my pants off.”

Digitalis nodded while Arthur raised his butt and pulled Arthur’s pajama pants off, slinging one of Arthur’s legs up over his shoulder while he set them aside.

“I see you’ve been practicing those stretches I taught you,” Digitalis commented, pushing Arthur’s thigh upward. Arthur felt his hamstrings stretch as Digitalis stuck a finger up his ass. The lube was still cool, and it made Arthur shiver. “And I’m no baker, sir, but you’ve got some very nice buns.”

“I was hoping you could glaze them, actually.” Arthur didn’t know where the thought had come from, nor did he know he’d said it aloud until he heard Digitalis’s snort, “You got it, boss!”

Digitalis bent forward and inserted himself, bracing his hands on Arthur’s thighs. Digitalis’s dick was about eight centimeters shorter than Arthur’s, but Arthur could still feel it stretching him out. Digitalis gave a powerful, controlled thrust.

“Harder,” gulped Arthur.

“How much harder?” asked Digitalis, pulling back for another thrust.

“As hard as possible.”

Digitalis nodded, angled himself, and did as Arthur asked. Digitalis had incredible stamina, which Arthur might’ve envied if it didn’t come from the strange athletic urge to go for a run at five in the morning.

Digitalis’s face wasn’t close enough to kiss in their current position, and Arthur’s eyes drifted to his own dick. With his butt in the air, his swollen member was pointed squarely at his face, throbbing beneath his foreskin as Digitalis pounded him closer to-

Arthur had just enough time to close his eyes before he exploded. The first spurts hit his face, and he heard himself moan. Digitalis kept pumping at him, and the hot white fluid kept coming, oozing onto Arthur’s belly and up his chest for what felt like a long time. When Arthur’s body finally relaxed, Digitalis slowed down. His face was still pink, but he didn’t seem winded at all. Arthur’s orgasm had left him warm and shaky, and ready for a nap.

“Still want me to glaze those buns?” asked Digitalis.

Arthur felt himself blush; it still sounded dumb, but slightly less so in Digitalis’s voice. “Yes please.”

Digitalis pulled out and peeled off his condom, carefully wrapping it in a tissue from the table next to the couch. Arthur stood up while Digitalis was busy; if Arthur stayed on the floor too long his kıbrıs escort bad wing would start cramping. Digitalis took Arthur’s place on the blanket and Arthur stood over him.

“Wait, do you need to go?” Digitalis said suddenly, while Arthur’s dick twitched in his face. “I just assumed-“

“No, you’re right, Digit,” laughed Arthur. “I just need a moment.”

Arthur tried to think about something else: focusing on needing to pee made him tense up. From where he stood, he could see out the window in the front door from a different angle. The snow outside was smooth and undisturbed, and beyond he could see Arthur’s brother’s living room window. The lights were on, but the curtains were closed. There was something odd about it, but Arthur’s bladder chose that moment to relax.

“Alright, here it comes,” Arthur sighed and reached down to aim. He realized as he soaked Digitalis’s chest that Digitalis was still wearing his black silk pajamas, slowly masturbating with his cock sticking out of his open fly.

“Hey Digit?”

“Yeah?” gulped Digitalis. Arthur was keeping up a hard, steady stream, and Digitalis was already starting to twitch.

“If you come before I finish peeing I’ll make breakfast.”

Digitalis scoffed theatrically but started masturbating faster. “You’re on.”

Arthur stretched his wings and watched Digitalis contentedly. His comment about Digitalis looking “sexy butler professional” from the night before came back to haunt him, but as silly as it sounded, it wasn’t inaccurate. The black silk pajamas gave Digitalis an oddly formal look, even while jerking off drenched in urine.

“I really hope this blanket is waterproof,” said Arthur.

Digitalis grinned cheekily up at Arthur. “We-…we’ll find out.” He was finally starting to sound winded, and it made Arthur smile back. “Bear, I-“

Digitalis came in a series of rapid spurts that landed on Arthur’s legs and the blanket. Arthur’s flow stopped abruptly, and Digitalis flopped back on the floor.

“Looks like I just made it,” Digitalis panted.

Arthur took a deep breath and started peeing again. “Not quite. When I’m this full it’s hard to keep up the pressure. I’m almost done though.”

“Have you ever timed how long you can pee?” breathed Digitalis.

Arthur shrugged. “I’ve never actually timed myself, but I know of at least once where I went over three minutes.”

Digitalis seemed to be playing with himself until he aimed his dick upward and released a small arch of urine, hitting the same spot on his belly as Arthur. “Can you tell me about it?”

Arthur’s flow cut off again, but he let out several more squirts before he was finished. “Let’s save that for tonight.”

“I look forward to it,” said Digitalis. Arthur held out a hand to Digitalis and helped him to his feet. It took Digitalis a moment to find his balance, and when he did he stretched up and kissed Arthur.

Arthur cleaned up, put on his bathrobe, and started microwaving his and Digitalis’s food while Digitalis picked up the blanket and threw it in the wash, along with their soiled clothes. Digitalis didn’t put on any clothes after he cleaned himself up, and joined Arthur in the kitchen to make them each a fourth cup of instant coffee.

“So, what’s the damage?” asked Arthur, following Digitalis into the living room and enjoying the rear view. He paused to survey where the blanket had been. It was dry, though there was a damp spot next to the couch.

“That’s where I set your pants when I took them off,” explained Digitalis, digging into his to-go box.

Arthur looked over the area again and noticed a square pattern of stray drops where the edges of the blanket had been. A flicker of light caught his eye from the front door and he glanced out the window. This time his brother’s living room curtains were open, and Arthur locked eyes with his sister-in-law, Caspia. His hands were full, so he awkwardly smiled and nodded, mouthing “good morning.” Caspia did the same, blushing to the roots of her dark hair, and shut the curtains.

Arthur stared out the window. All he knew for sure was that Caspia saw him in his bathrobe with a cup of coffee and his to-go box from a restaurant called “The Punk Poodle Noodles.” Maybe not the most dignified position ever, but there was nothing inappropriate about it.

“Bear?” said Digitalis through a mouthful of pad kee mao. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” said Arthur. He shifted his attention away from the window and sat down on the couch next to Digitalis to eat.

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