Madi couldn’t understand a thing Dr. Norman was saying. Each breath she took, she became aware of how the material of her shirt behaved just a bit differently than before now that she actually had a chest. So many different emotions swirled in her head at once:
Happiness. Finally, she actually had a pair of tits! Even if they were small, she wasn’t totally flat anymore. The thought of that alone made her a bit giddy.
Confusion. What the hell was happening? Between her seemingly perpetually rock-hard nipples and her growing bust, how was any of this happening? It didn’t seem possible. Definitely not anything she had learned about in her biology degree so far.
Embarrassment. She felt the disapproving eyes of her advisor on her, judging her and shaming her silently for displaying her nipples so prominently.
And most importantly, arousal. It wasn’t overwhelming, but it was definitely noticeable. She felt slight twitches in her loins, and a full, heavy sensation in her new boobs. It was slight, but it was distracting.
Madi found herself nodding and “mm-hmm”-ing every so often to appear engaged while her mind wandered and worked its way through all of her emotions. Hoping that the blush she felt in her face and her rock-hard nipples weren’t too obvious to her advisor. But from the casual glances he gave her chest every little while, she knew he was acutely aware.
Really, it all came down to one thing: she needed to look at her new boobs for herself.
After what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Norman finally wrapped up. Madi quickly thanked him and headed for the door almost immediately. As she reached for the doorhandle, Dr. Norman spoke Madi’s name to get her attention.
“Ms. Pink. Please, have some self-respect. I have worked at this university for over half my life. I don’t know what favors you’re looking for, but I’m not going to jeopardize my reputation because a coed came into my office aroused and looking to tempt me with her sweet perfume and little breasts.” He gestured with disdain at her chest.
Madi swore she felt her nipples puff up a bit more at the comment. She turned beet-red. “I-I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again,” she squeaked before quickly slipping through the door. Immediately, she made a way right back to the bathroom she’d used earlier. She scampered into a stall, slammed the door, and took a seat on the toilet.
She stared down at her boobs as they were carried up and down by her deep breaths. They were quite obviously pressing into her tight shirt, drawing wrinkles in the fabric between them. Madi could swear that they were bigger than even a moment ago in Dr. Norman’s office. She bounced slightly on the toilet, and sure enough, she watched as they rebounded even more than before. She also breathed out heavily as she realized that bouncing kundu escort them had actually felt good, even if just a little bit.
Smiling, she reached down and slowly slipped off her thin shirt. Expecting it this time, she cooed softly as the thin fabric effortlessly glided across her erect nipples. Once it was off, she cupped the bottoms of them softly in her hands.
“Mmmm… that feels good too…” she quietly murmured to herself as she weighed them in her hands, bouncing slightly once more. She guessed that she was probably about a B-cup now. Her areolas had grown to maybe quarter-sized, and her previously tiny nipples were now the size of the eraser on the end of a Ticonderoga pencil. How was all that even possible??
The thought of her finally growing in a pair of decent tits made Madi incredibly horny. And so did the thought that she finally had enough boob to make a man notice her body… and the thought of the shame she felt in being called out on it. She quickly went to unzip her jeans, already knowing how warm and wet her pussy was. As she shimmied them down a bit to be able to reach between her legs, her boobs bounced happily. Fuck this was a dream come true…
As she finally reached her hand down into her warm crotch and felt just how soaked her panties were, she couldn’t help but let out a deep groan. She was finally getting the release she had needed so badly as she rubbed her fingers over her clit and lips. It felt electric, so much more intense than ever before. Her pace quickly picked up.
Madi readjusted her weight, raising her hips up off the seat long enough for her to slip her jeans and panties fully down her thighs. She then sat back down, slouching this time as she reached two hands to her crotch. One rubbed her clit in firm, tight circles, while the other began slowly pressing two fingers into her pussy. She moaned as she began touching herself with two hands, amazed by her heightened sensitivity. Too aroused to question what was causing the changes in her body, she masturbated away eagerly, exhaling with light, breathy moans.
Her thoughts drifted to the embarrassment she felt when Kyle had stared at her chest in class earlier that morning. She deep shame when Mr. Norman had essentially called her a slut. All because she finally wasn’t totally flat…. Oh, and how happy would Ethan be? Finally, his girlfriend had grown in some boobs that he could ogle at instead of Anna…
Her breathy moans started becoming more audible and she felt herself reaching the edge of orgasm. Fuck she was close, and she could tell from how wet and aroused she was that this was going to be one of the best orgasms she’d ever felt. Trying to be discrete became one of the least concerning things for her in the moment, she just needed to cum. Feeling her muscles start kurtköy escort to tense, and she raised her leg and flexed it against the stall door in an attempt to stabilize herself for what was coming.
Madi felt herself hitting the edge. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She breathed in deeply, ready to moan hard. But her orgasm never came.
Annoyed, Madi kept touching herself furiously, desperate for release. But no matter what she did, her body would not let her cum. She plateaued right at the peak of sensation but couldn’t actually finish. Every muscle in her body was fully tense, ready for relief to hit. But it just wouldn’t come.
Madi opened her eyes and looked down at her body, desperate to find what was keeping her from cumming. She saw her sopping wet hands touching her almost painfully swollen nethers. She was so well lubricated that she could practically see droplets of grool flying from where her fingers sliding in and out of pussy. What was going wrong?
Frustrated, Madi stopped fingering herself, resting that hand on her stomach as she still absentmindedly rubbed her clit. Slowly, her arousal died down somewhat, but she was left deeply unsatisfied. Why couldn’t she cum? She needed this now more than ever. Everything just seemed so sensitive now that she’d grown boobs… wait, her boobs…
Madi looked further down so her eyes met her new assets. They were noticeably round and perky, even with her slouching pretty far back. And each of her nipples stood out proudly and had a bright pink color. Gosh, they looked so swollen…
With her free hand, she reached up and tweaked her nipple. Immediately, her whole body tensed up and she gasped audibly. She nearly came on the spot.
“Wh-what the hell?” she whispered to herself, panting. She sat herself back up straight and removed her hand from her crotch. Ever so gently, she used both of her hands to run circles around her nipples. She cooed and pleasure flooded her, like crashing waves of erotic energy. “Th-these feel better than my clit… how can that be?”
Slowly, she built up the courage to grasp her nipples by the base. Immediately, she started panting, her arousal reaching incredible heights. Her entire boobs felt wonderful, full of erotic pleasure. She was on the edge… so close! She knew what she needed to do.
Madi gave a sharp tug to both of her nipples, the same way she’d pulled on them in the mirror in the morning. Only this time, her wish had come true: she now actually had tits to call her own! As she tugged them, Madi groaned.
She gave an involuntary yelp of pleasure as her body tensed up. She quickly braced herself against the sides of the stalls as she felt the powerful contractions in her nethers brought about by the nipple play. She moaned softly as she kuşadası escort rode it out, unable to stop herself from vocalizing as one of the strongest orgasms she’d had in a long time hit her in the bathroom stall.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Madi came down from her climax. She could see that her chest was flushed, and she could feel her face was too. She pulled out her phone and checked the time. She had a few minutes to sit here and rest before she needed to go to her next class. In the bit of down time she had, she started to question what had been happening to her in the last few hours.
First of all, how the hell did she grow in a whole new pair of tits in just a morning? And plus, she was 21 years old — puberty was years ago for her at this point. Why were they only coming in now? Not to mention their overwhelming sensitivity. She’d heard of breast tenderness when they first started growing, but this seemed totally different. She’d literally been unable to cum without touching her hyper-sensitive nipples. And gosh, what were people going to think when they saw her? That she decided to start stuffing her shirts like a middle-schooler halfway through college? Or that she got implants overnight?
Madi decided she needed to see what her new boobs really looked like in her shirt before she kept worrying. She stood up, about to pull her pants up before she realized how much dried grool was in and around her pussy. She quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped herself clean. She also realized that the toilet seat had gotten its fair share as well, so she also wiped that up. She then slipped back on her panties and shimmied into her snug jeans.
Finally, she pulled her shirt on, and to her dismay, couldn’t help but gently moan as the fabric touched her nipples. What the hell?
Madi looked down to find that even with several minutes having passed, her nipples were still rock-hard and horribly sensitive. Opening the stall door and checking for anyone else in the bathroom, she then stepped out and made her way to the mirror. She nearly gasped when she saw how badly her new boobs were stretching her small shirt, and how obviously prominent her nipples were. This top had always been pretty thin and snug, showing off her petite physique. Now it was not doing her any favors.
She checked the time again. She needed to go, or she’d be late to class. How could she hide her chest? No way she was letting anyone see her like this. She racked her brain before finally coming up with an idea. She rummaged through her bag and found her organic chemistry textbook. She slipped her backpack on and held the book up to her chest, cooing slightly as the cold surface of the front cover made contact with her nipples through her top. Madi grunted in frustration. How long was she going to have to put up with this?
However, looking at her reflection in the mirror, the textbook seemed to do a good job of hiding her new assets. Satisfied, she left for class, desperately hoping that she’d make it through the rest of the day without any more trouble.
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