I was raised in Odesa, Ukraine, by loving parents. Mom was a pharmacist in one of the best pharmacies in town. Dad worked in the harbor and loved his job. The combined salaries were enough to afford everything we needed, even a small car.
As the only child, I was more spoiled than most. I had my bicycle, a Galaxy smartphone, and even a video game.
I was mostly healthy. Until I was 3 years old, I suffered frequent right ear infections, but my father reassured me it would never return. When I asked him how he knew, he laughed and said, “When I was a toddler, I had the same problem. My doctor explained I had a minor genetic ear malformation, which made me prone to infections until the canal grew and the issue was solved. You had the same lesion.”
I was curious, “Dad, any other genetic diseases in your or Mom’s family I need to know about?”
“Not that I know of. Your grandparents and some uncles died in old age, usually due to heart disease or severe infections, except for Sergey, who died in the war.”
In school, I was doing well too. Applying my average score to the American system (In Ukraine the scoring is different), I was A-. I excelled in math, physics, social studies, and debates. My weakest subject was foreign languages – I hated the idea of learning somebody else’s language. Only when I turned 18, I realized it was a bad idea. After a long discussion with my parents, I flew to America to spend 3 months with my uncle in Chicago.
Uncle Vanco was a successful lawyer in a large firm. In addition to improving my English, and traveling to the beautiful attractions of the United States, I shadowed my uncle several times and got hooked on the profession.
I returned to Ukraine a new man – I knew I wanted to move to America and become a lawyer. To cut the story short, after completing the required tests and filling out the necessary documents, I moved to Chicago and studied at the Loyola School of Law.
Later I joined a successful firm in Minneapolis and became a partner 4 years later.
My private life did not start with overwhelming success – At 23, I befriended a rich girl from my class. She looked good, had a great body, and sex with her was fantastic. We got married 4 months after we met. It began well, but after 2 years we fell apart. The sex was still phenomenal whenever we engaged in it. However, it became clear she was much more interested in parties, being on the phone for much of her free time, and not helping with house chores. We divorced amicably a few months later. After the divorce, I kept seeing her 3-4 times a year. Each encounter started with reminiscing and ended with wild sex. I liked this arrangement. In the next 5 years, she had 2 boyfriends, but our meetings continued. She told me both guys were nice, good company, and loved her, but were nothing like me in bed. She emphasized that it wasn’t just my 7.5″ cock, but the way I used it, as well as my expertise in giving her oral.
As a young man, fairly attractive based on gossip I heard in the office, I had my share of temporary girlfriends. I was content spending quality time with them at the movies, restaurants, occasional parties, and sex. I didn’t feel the need to get married again.
In the last 6 months, 3 senior partners from our company retired. We interviewed 15 candidates. After much debate, we agreed on 3 of them – Two males and a female. I was asked to mentor the woman, Vera. Her ergene escort resume was impressive for a girl who finished law school only 2 years earlier. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Boston University, and had excellent recommendation letters from her teachers and a local judge, who she helped in a famous case. She got offers to join lucrative firms in Massachusetts but moved to Minneapolis because her husband, an engineer, got a good paying job in St. Paul.
Initially, Vera seemed shy, trying to adjust to the different culture in the Midwest and learn what it meant to be ‘Minnesota nice’. Her ability to learn and absorb everything was phenomenal. I was impressed by her brain, but not only. Who was I kidding – She was young, pretty, and had a gorgeous figure.
In the beginning, she came to the office wearing formal suits, which fit her body, looking professional. However, within 3 weeks, we started feeling more comfortable with each other. I found out that in addition to being smart and efficient, she had a great sense of humor. And Vera noticed that, unlike others in my position, I wasn’t a snob or a showoff.
We worked on 2 cases and spent a lot of time together. I recall the first time we had to work long hours, and during an evening break, I invited her to a known Italian restaurant. The meal was delicious and the wine even better. She told me she grew up in St. Petersburg, Russia, married Igor, a Russian who was 8 years her senior, and married a year later. They had no children.
We returned to my office, but the motivation to work was not there anymore. Maybe it was the wine – We became flirty and ended up having sex on my long desk. For a girl I thought of as an introvert, she was everything but! Her long blond hair, pretty face, and breathtaking body, especially the perfect C-coup tits – What could I say… I was in love. She was a real tiger. During the intercourse, she growled and scratched, and her body countered mine like no other girl before her. I came twice, while Vera had a prolonged orgasm that lasted about 20 minutes. She calmed down only after my cock began deflating in her hungry pussy. She left my office around 11 pm.
The following day, we talked about the previous evening. Vera had a guilt trip, cheating for the first time on Igor, her husband, but she wanted us to continue seeing each other. She confided in me her husband treated her well but had his shortcomings. The major one was his less-than-satisfying performance in bed. He was the ‘wham bam, thank you ma’am’ type. Certain times he ‘allowed her’ to suck him but never reciprocated. A missionary position was his favorite, and in the last year, it was the only one he used. It didn’t help that he used no foreplay except for pinching her nipples for a minute before shoving his 5″ thin cock and ejaculating a short time later in her cunt.
She knew I grew up in Ukraine, and mentioned that since the start of ‘Special Russian Operation,’ her husband announced multiple times he hated Ukrainians…
We needed to set our priorities and agreed to do our work no less than 6 hours a day and find other times to enjoy our affair. This unwritten agreement lasted barely a week. The next Monday we were both very horny. Half an hour later, I was ravaging her terrific body on the soft carpet in my office.
About a month later, we were looking for excuses to leave the office during working hours, drive to ermenek escort my house and have a long fuckfest. Our hunger for each other led us to experiment not only on the bed but also on the kitchen table, the sink, the shower, and even on my 5th floor balcony. She was by far the best sexual partner I had. I still remember several episodes…
One early afternoon, she was naked, leaning on the sink with her legs apart, and my hard pole was pounding her tight cunt from behind, as my right hand was tweaking her voluptuous breast. She was closing fast on her pending orgasm when her phone rang. We looked at the screen and saw it was her husband. She mumbled that Igor never called her during working hours before. She needed to answer to be sure there was no emergency.
I continued plowing her pussy at a slower pace as she answered, “Hi Igor, what’s going on?”
“Just wanted to tell you I got a bonus, and later tonight we can celebrate at the nearby bar.”
“That will bee greeaat…”
“Is everything all right? You sound different.”
“I aam OK. I juust in the miiddle of soomething. I’ll caaall yoouu later. Byee…” She hung the phone, and came seconds later, screaming like a wounded animal.
I continued my assault on her breathtaking body and blurted, “After being thoroughly fucked by me you’ll enjoy in a bar with your husband?”
She groaned, “Yees, I wiiill.”
I loaded her womb with a gallon of my slimy spunk, and said, “Don’t shower. I want you to carry my seed in your vagina to the bar. Whether you sit or dance, you’ll remember I own you.”
Vera moaned loudly, and seconds later, she was in the throes of another massive orgasm. Within the next 2 hours we returned to the office, but we didn’t have the motivation to work and went home soon after.
The following morning, Vera told me about her prior evening with Igor at the bar, “He wanted me to look sexy, so I wore a short black dress. Underneath I had my best panties with an added pad to prevent your stuff from leaking. Igor drank too much alcohol and made me dance with him as he was using some wild moves. At one point I felt your spunk begin to leak on my thigh. I tried to go to the bathroom and take care of it but Igor held me tight. His body clutched to mine and I felt his erect organ pushing on my tummy.
When the song ended, I was ready to rush to the bathroom. Igor noticed the drops on my thigh and giggled, saying, ‘I see I wasn’t the only one getting aroused on the dance floor…’ I was stunned and didn’t answer. In the bathroom, I cleaned my thigh, changed the pad, and went back to him. We left the club soon after. At home, Igor pulled me to bed and started fucking me. He had a devilish look, ‘Honey, I feel you are still very wet. Our dance at the bar had a prolonged effect on you. Great!’ He erupted a moment later, and fell asleep within 5 minutes.”
A year later, Vera and I were still very much into each other, when she told me Igor wished to start a family. He wanted her to stop taking her pills. In order to accommodate his wishes, I tried using a condom, but it was a miserable experience – It reduced my pleasure significantly, and after several position changes it ripped. Subsequently, Vera tried to use a diaphragm, but again it had a lot of limitations; the most important was the need to take it easy, not move too much, and, god forbid, not to attempt wild sex. eryaman escort After 3 tries, we gave up on using devices. The plan ended up limiting our escapades to her ‘safe cycle days’ and I’d try to cum outside her cunt.
Vera was a wonderful cocksucker and was happy to swallow my stuff. Titfucking was another position we used. Anal sex took 3 tries before Vera began liking it. It may have been my fault – With a bigger-than-average dick, I should have been more patient and used more lube before penetrating her tight puckered hole. But after a few trial-and-error, we did it better and found the position extremely pleasurable.
A week later Igor told her he was being sent to California for 7 days to work on a new project their company started. When her husband was away, Vera and I could hardly take our hands from each other. We fucked nonstop in my house and hers. In fact, some of the best sex we had was in their bedroom, on the same bed she slept with her husband. We weren’t very careful, and according to my estimate, at least 30% of my eruptions ended up deep in her vagina…
Three months passed, and Vera told me she was pregnant. I asked her if she knew who the father was. She chuckled, “Illya, I have no idea. Because you and I were having sex all the time, I made sure to have sex with Igor twice a week before and after his trip to California. You and Igor have only 1″ difference in height, weigh almost the same, and both have light brown hair. So it really doesn’t matter. The child will look like me or him. I do not want to have an abortion, and I’ll never check the child’s DNA. Igor and I will be happy with our child, whoever the real biological father is!”
Vera and I continued our affair during her pregnancy and stopped only once she was in her 8th month. A healthy, handsome boy was born 2 weeks later. After 3 months of maternity leave, Vera returned to work, looking as good as ever. We rekindled our encounters a week later. Despite having a dedicated nanny, our times together were somewhat limited by her baby’s needs.
Our sexual fun was at its peak – It turned out her appetite only grew after the delivery, which was the opposite of what I heard happened to many other couples following the birth of a baby. She was insatiable. We even traveled together several days at a time, under the guise of attending professional meetings.
Our next annual Christmas party took place about a year after Vera’s boy was born. It was a spectacular one. There were 75 attendees, including all the employees and their mates. Vera looked perfect in her long dress and generous cleavage.
I saw Igor drinking a lot before we officially met in the auditorium. From a distance, I saw Vera talking on the phone. Igor approached me, slightly wobbly, and said. “Illya, I’ll tell you the truth – I hate Ukrainians. But in your case, I’ll make an exception. You have worked in this company for many years, and other than that, you have no life, while I have a beautiful wife and son.”
“Igor, I wanted to say hello to Vera. I see she is on the phone. Is everything OK?”
“It’s nothing serious. Our child, Boris, has an ear infection. We heard from the doctor he will continue having these infections for 2 more years, and then grow out of them. Otherwise, Boris is a healthy and happy child.”
I continued my extramarital relationship with Vera for 2 more happy years. We separated when her husband’s company sent him to work in Oregon. As predicted, she joined a large law firm in town and became a successful lawyer. I kept in touch with her via e-mails and we talked on the phone every birthday.
She didn’t want to know, and I never told her Boris was my child.
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