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Aiding Aida Ch. 02: Sharing Ada


Chapter 2: Sharing Ada

In the previous chapter, our intrepid hero (me) came to the rescue of his aunt, who was struggling with her husband’s sudden stroke and resulting paralysis. I helped her as best I could, given that I was living 15 miles away and attending college. In a moment of mutual weakness, I provided assistance of a more–shall we say–physical and intimate nature. Twice.

I spent the weekend at Frank’s and Ada’s house, as I always did. My homework was done; there were no tests looming on the horizon. So, I was free to enjoy myself. Theoretically.

The truth was that I was freaked out by what happened earlier in the week. I mean, I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it. Obviously, I did. But I didn’t understand why it happened or what it meant. When I thought about things, I wasn’t worried that Ada was my aunt; as far as I was concerned, she was Ada, a woman. A woman 44 years old. Maybe a bit older than she should be to be fucking a 20-year-old, but that not really a big deal in these enlightened days. The fact that she was my mother’s sister simply didn’t factor into my thinking. That said, the whole “fuck me hard until you cum in me” thing was the weird part. Sure, we had kissed–we had kissed a lot–but there was no actual foreplay as I understood the term. There was no real affection for such an intimate act. That was the weird part. It was almost as if she used me–or a certain part of me–and when she was done with me that was… it.

I tried to discuss our new situation with Ada but she acted as if our little sex romp never happened. She seemed happier than I had seen her for months, but she didn’t want to discuss why she was so happy.

Women: we men are not good at dealing with unspoken things. I’m just saying. If you want to drive us crazy then make us try to read your minds.

We acted as if nothing had changed. We had a nice Saturday dinner and made a list for Sunday’s weekly grocery shopping. I worked out in the garage. We took a walk around the neighborhood. One thing that was different was that Ada held my hand as we walked. That was nice but my mind was whirling with a million questions. Not that she would answer any of them. But still.

When we got back to the house the sun had set and the air was chilly. We watched something on TV; I have no recollection what it was. We sat next to each other on the sofa and she held my hand. There was no kissing or any other touching. To say I was confused would be a total understatement of the situation.

After the show–whatever it was–was over, we went upstairs. I turned to my room but Ada grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room. The door shut loudly behind us.

“Make love to me again,” she said quietly, her voice filled with urgency. “I want to feel you deep inside me again.”

I may have been utterly confused about this hot-then-cold-then-hot-again thing between us, but I wasn’t stupid. I pulled her close and our mouths crashed together as we wrestled our clothes off. Once again, Ada left her bra on and pulled me into her as soon as she felt I was ready. Once again, she started off dry but got wet quickly and then she urged me to fuck her hard and fast, begging me to come in her.

She didn’t really use those words though. She would say things like “I want to feel you spurt in me” or “Fill me with your seed.” Like that. She was prim and proper, even as she let me fuck her.

I wondered if she wanted to be on top but Ada made it crystal clear that she wanted me on top. So, missionary it was. Again.

Fine with me.

That Saturday night I lasted a really long time–like maybe almost ten minutes of really fast thrusting–but she didn’t come. When I finally came, sweat pouring off my body, she smiled and sighed.

After a minute or so, I rolled off and faced my aunt. “What are we doing?” I asked her when my breathing slowed.

Ada started to cry.


I gave her a minute; the tears eventually dried. “It’s not you,” she said. “It’s me.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It means, nephew, that I love what you do to me but I’m feeling guilty as sin that you are doing it to me. Does that make any sense?”

“Not really. But if you don’t want–“

“No! I do want! But… look, Jimmy: I’m still married. To my husband. Your uncle Frank. I vowed to be faithful to him and I have been! Until… you. Until… this. This nightmare I’m in. I’m… conflicted. I need you and I want you. I don’t know how I can survive without you. But… I feel as if I’m sinning with you. Like I should be stronger than I am.”

I moved her hair out of her eyes and kissed her gently. “I’m here for you,” I murmured. “Whatever you need, Ada, I’m here for you. You need this? I love this. You want me to pretend it never happened? We can do that, too. Just let me know how to play it.”

“I don’t deserve you!” she cried, tears running down her face again.

I kissed away the zara escort tears, then kissed down to her lips; and then there was a lot more kissing, tongues licking at each other. My hands roamed down between her legs, finding the softest hair, thick and dense but neatly trimmed. I gently explored Ada’s pussy until she was panting, her hips moving back and forth in little jerks. She tried to pull me into her but I resisted, keeping my fingers down between her lips, feeling her wetness. I moved them up to find her little bump and patiently circled it with even pressure until she gave a loud gasp, her body’s muscles locking tightly, her back arching, as she came against my fingers.

I kept the little circles going until I felt she was done, then I entered her and pushed slowly in, pulling back slowly as well. I moved slowly, evenly, trying to prolong the moment. She gasped for me to go harder, faster, but I kept my strokes even.

All amazing things must end. My strokes grew faster, deeper, harder. Too soon I was pushing into Ada with all my body. The bed was creaking and the headboard was banging. I felt my orgasm coming; I couldn’t delay it any longer. I felt Ada’s walls tighten around me and that was all I needed to gasp and shoot jet after jet of warm semen deep into my aunt’s pussy.


Our routine soon included sex. Lots of sex. Tuesday night, Thursday night, and Saturday night. Not on Sundays. Not in the morning. But three nights a week was really good for both of us. Sometimes we made love once and sometimes twice during the night, depending on her mood or the phase of the moon or whatever. It was always Ada’s decision.

The thing was, our intercourse was always pretty much the same. Missionary style. Me on top, Ada on her back. Sometimes her legs were in the air; sometimes they were wrapped around my waist or dug in behind my knees. But that was about all we ever did. She didn’t come during intercourse but she didn’t seem to care. It was all about… well, intimacy I guess you could call it. She wanted to be less alone for a few minutes, or so it seemed to me.

I could make her come with my fingers, with enough time and patience, but she often pushed my hand away and pulled me into her, begging me to fuck her hard and fast until I came. That was pretty much our routine. Not that I was complaining, mind you.

I basically accepted Ada’s little quirks; the way I saw things–at least at first–her little hangups were a small price to pay for getting regular sex.

Ada didn’t like any position other than missionary. She didn’t like to take off her bra. She didn’t ever want to suck my cock or let me go down on her. I guess I could have interrogated her about her hangups, but instead I just tried to accept her for who she was: my lonely Aunt Ada who let me fuck her three times a week and made me believe she was grateful for each orgasm I shot into her pussy. I was certainly grateful for each orgasm! Trust me on that.

This went on for several weeks until I decided to introduce some variety into our sex life.

It was a Tuesday night in early November. We wore heavy jackets during our evening walk. I was going to have to get up early because I had a major test the next day. But I had done all the homework and studied, so I was confident. But maybe I was also a bit anxious or maybe I was eager for a distraction; this was the night I was going to change things up with Ada.

After Frank had been taken care of, we went back to Ada’s bedroom. There was no more pretending that I slept in “my” room; now we slept together every night I was there. Anyway, we got ready for bed as we always did. While we were kissing, I reached down between her legs, trying to see if she would let me make her come. As usually happened, after a couple of minutes, she pushed my hand away and took off her nightgown, leaving her bra on–then urged me to fuck her.

“Wait,” I said. “I want to see your breasts tonight. I want to touch them.”

Ada’s face turned red. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re so small,” she said in a small voice. “Not really even there. I’m… embarrassed. Nobody wants to see them.”

“You mean Frank didn’t want to see them.”

She turned her head away from me but she nodded.

“Well, I’m not Frank. Obviously. And I want to see them. Show me.”

Reluctantly, she undid her bra and slowly took it off. She wouldn’t meet my eyes.

Yes, her breasts were really small. Basically just dark brown nipple. Think Hershey’s Kisses then double the size. Now you have a good idea about what they looked like. If you are into really big breasts, you would not have been into Ada’s little almost-not-there titties. Okay. Whatever. The fact was: I was into Ada’s little titties.

I showed her how into her titties I was by playing with them for a long time, rolling them between my fingers, tugging on them. Soon they were sticking out a good zeytinburnu escort half-inch and Ada was breathing hard. That’s when I took a nipple into my mouth and began to suck while continuing to play with the other. She gasped then moaned a little bit.

I spent a long time sucking those itty-bitty-titties. The way I saw things, I had been waiting a long time for this opportunity. I might not get another one. So I was going to make the most of tonight.

I kissed her nipples then moved my head lower, kissing her chest then her abdomen… then her belly button. At some point she must have guessed where I was headed because she clamped her legs together and tried to push my head away while at the same time pulling me back up to her breasts. But I had been working out for weeks and so I was stronger.

I ran my tongue through her soft pubic thatch while pushing her legs open. After a few seconds of resistance, she seemed to give up.

“I don’t like that,” she said. “It’s gross.”

I ran the flat of my tongue from the bottom of her pussy lips up to the top.

“Stop it, Jimmy,” she said. “Please.”

But I ignored her and kept licking. The thing was, she was already wet from all the attention I had been paying to her breasts. After a short time feeling my tongue, she was even wetter. She was silent now, as if listening to the call of her body.

I kept licking, adding in some tongue penetration. When I stuck my tongue as far into her pussy as I could get it, she jerked and gasped. I took that for a good sign; I didn’t stop what I was doing.

I kept at it for as long as I could–until my tongue got tired and my jaw muscles started to hurt. Then I moved up to her clit.

Ada’s clit was magnificent. It stood up proudly as I gently flicked it and circled around it. By this point, Ada’s hips were rocking against my face and her hands were pulling on the back of my head.

I put one finger into her pussy, then added another one, moving them in and out as if they were my cock.

“Faster,” she said.

I moved my fingers faster. I sucked gently at her clit.

“Faster,” she repeated. She was moaning now and her hips were trying to buck me off.

I moved my fingers faster. I added a third finger.

A few seconds later, Ada’s body locked up. Her back arched. Her pussy walls clamped around my fingers, holding them in place.

Ada screamed and gushed against my face.

That was a great moment for us.


After her panting quieted, I moved up Ada’s body and looked into her dark brown eyes. They stared back at me, cloudy but clearing rapidly. Finally, she found her words. “You need to go wash your mouth with mouthwash before you kiss me,” she said.

“Okay,” I replied. I was smiling like a madman. In one night, I had sucked my aunt’s titties, then gone down on her until she screamed out an orgasm. Tonight had been a good night. A little mouthwash was a small price to pay for how I felt, the way I saw things. “But what about this?” I asked her, pointing down at my hard-as-a-rock cock.

Ada sighed. “Fine,” she finally said. “Put it in me and do your business.”

“That’s not really very romantic, Ada,” I said. “I mean, what happened to ‘fill me up and spurt into me’?”

She thought for a few seconds. “I guess… I mean I feel like you already took what you wanted.”

“You mean sucking on your nipples then eating your pussy until you came?”

She turned really red. “I don’t like that word.”

“What? ‘Pussy’?”

She nodded.

“Okay. What do you call it?”

“‘Vagina’. When I must call it something, I give it its proper name.”

“And what about this?” I asked, pointing again at my erection.

“Penis,” she said primly.

“Not ‘dick’ or ‘cock’?”

“No. Those are vulgar words.”

I nodded. “Okay. I get it. When we are in polite company, I will make sure to use the proper words. But when we are alone I don’t see a problem with using less formal words. Like ‘cock’ or ‘pussy’ or even ‘fucking’. I actually think it would be a turn-on if you told me to ‘fuck my wet pussy with your hard cock’.”

“I could never–“

“Like, right now I want to tell you to suck my cock. I want you to put my hard cock into your warm mouth and suck on my cock until I come in your mouth. Then I want you to swallow my cum.”

Ada gasped. “Jimmy–no! I don’t–“

“Look, Ada. You didn’t show your breasts, until you did. You didn’t let a man eat your pussy, until you did. Turns out, those weren’t terrible things–were they? I mean, you liked what I did to you, right? So… do this. For me.”

She shook her head.

I looked deep into her eyes. “You have hangups and I’m getting tired of them. We can’t continue with this if all we ever do is missionary. We need variety. For the long-term.”

“And if I don’t, then you’ll leave me? You’ll leave me alone? To take care ereğli escort of Frank by myself?”

I shook my head. “This is not an ultimatum. This is not a threat of any kind. I’m just saying. If we don’t change things up, we’re going to get bored.” A thought hit me. “I mean… is this what happened to you and Uncle Frank? Your sex life just got boring?”

Ada looked away and nodded.

“Well, there you go. ‘Variety is the spice of life’, right? So… take a chance, Ada.”

She looked back and, after a few long seconds, nodded again. She sighed. “Okay. What do I do?”

I showed her.

I had been on the edge while I sucked her nipples and ate out her pussy, but our little talk took away some of the urgency. She had to use her hand as well as her mouth to get me going again.

Ada started off awkwardly, but she was a quick learner; I’ll tell you that. She quickly figured out what I liked; it didn’t take long until I exploded into her mouth and down her throat. True to her word, she swallowed as much as she could, though some dripped out of the corners of her mouth.

She waited until I was done then basically ran to the bathroom. I heard her gargle with mouthwash for a long time. I didn’t say anything. Baby steps, I thought.

When she came back to bed, she wouldn’t look me in the eye but we did kiss. I kissed her for a long time. If she tasted herself on my tongue, she didn’t say anything.

We went to sleep spooned against each other. I don’t know about Ada, but I had a smile on my face.


My mother visited us for Thanksgiving, but I’m getting ahead of myself. First, I need to explain about Frank.

After several weeks of fucking his wife–my aunt–I thought Frank and I needed to have a man-to-man talk about things. I won’t say I was feeling guilty, because I wasn’t. Not really. Sure, Ada might have been my aunt, but we weren’t close and–honestly–she didn’t feel like a relative to me. She felt like a MILF. Mid-forties, trim body, and willing to let me fuck her three times a week. So… if it was incest to rest of the world, then it wasn’t that to me. I’m just saying.

But in the back of my head, I knew Ada was a married woman. I thought Frank ought to know about how I was helping his wife at night, as he lay there in his bed down the hall, either asleep or incapacitated to the point where it didn’t matter. I mean, he probably heard us from time to time. When I ate out his wife’s pussy, she had a tendency to scream. Other nights, that headboard would bang pretty loudly. I thought he already knew what we were doing, but I wanted to get it out in the open.

Not that he could actually do anything about it. But I thought I needed to be straight with him. You might say I wanted his blessing. So, I waited until Ada was busy downstairs then went into his room and shut the door.

I walked close to the bed; we stared at each other for a while.

“I wanted to talk to you,” I finally said, “about me and Ada.”

He blinked once. That meant “yes.”

“You know what we’re doing… with each other. Don’t you?”

He blinked once again.

“I thought you probably did. I just kind of wanted to make sure.”

Frank sat there, staring at me, mouth in a permanent frown.

“So… yeah. Here’s the thing, Uncle Frank. I think I’m helping her. I mean, I’m not saying I don’t enjoy what we do. I totally enjoy it! But… I also think Ada needs it. Not in a sexual way, but kind of… in a human way. I think she needs that human connection and it’s with me and we really enjoy each other and I want to keep doing it but I want you to be okay with it because… well, it would bug me if I thought you hated me or her or felt, like, angry for some reason.” Yes, all that came out in a rush of words. I had been thinking about this for some time. Maybe I wasn’t expressing myself as articulately as I could, but I was trying to be straight with my uncle.

He continued to stare at me, unmoving. American Buddha in Repose, would be the title of the painting if I were to paint the scene. It would hang next to Wood’s American Gothic–at least in the museum of my mind.

I took a deep breath. “So, Uncle Frank, I want to know if you’re okay with this situation. Obviously, it’s not the best. But it is what it is. I want to know if you’re okay with it–with me having sex with your wife. If you said you were okay with it, then I think both Ada and I would feel a lot better about what we were doing. I know she would!” I took another deep breath, staring at my uncle, the man whose wife I was fucking several times a week. “So… are you okay with this?”

He stared at me, unmoving, for a long time.

Then he blinked. Both eyes blinked.

I waited. I wanted to be sure.

Both Frank’s eyes had blinked once.


Gradually, I introduced Ada to different sex positions. Trying to get her to change up from missionary was a struggle, let me tell you.

I not going to pretend I was some great sex expert. I think I’ve been pretty clear that I was relatively inexperienced before Ada and I started to have sex. But I did have the internet. As it turns out, there are a lot of different sexual positions. I tried to get Ada to be okay with trying some of them.

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