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A Week in Vegas with Sisters Ch. 01


This story is an amalgamation of real life and a fantasy I have. I’ve changed the names to protect me from the off chance any of the people these characters are based on ever stumble upon it. Everyone in this story is of legal age, and it takes place in a fantastical universe where sex has no consequences. This isn’t my first story, but it’s the first one I’ve ever shared with more than one person. I’d really appreciate any feedback, and I’d love to know if anyone would like to see anything more from me, or if this should be a one-and-done thing and just stick to my day job.

Chapter 1

I had been driving for a little over three hours when I crested the final peak and could see my destination in the distance, the Las Vegas strip. I had made the trip from L.A. to Vegas tons of times before, but this time was different.

I had been living in Las Vegas for a long time, and I often made the trip to visit my family in Los Angeles, so I was used to coming back home to Vegas, but the pandemic had changed everything. All of a sudden, my job was remote, and I realized I wasn’t stuck in a town I didn’t really like living in any more. Now, I didn’t have to quit my job if I wanted to move closer to my family. If I was working remotely, it didn’t really matter where I lived, I could finally just be where I wanted without any unemployed downtime. There was a down side though.

It had been a few years since my girlfriend and I broke up, but we still really liked each other as people, and got along very well as friends, so we became roommates. Even though Amelia and I lived in separate rooms and lived our own lives, we remained really close, and as long as neither of us was seeing anyone else, we took care of each other. Of course, moving a few hundred miles away kind of necessitated an end to the physical benefits of our continued relationship. The other downside of moving out of town was that she had to find a new place too. Luckily, she didn’t have to look too hard as her parents decided they missed having her around and had the room for her. So her parents were happy to once again have the entire family under one roof, and it gave her the opportunity to reconnect with her younger brother and sister. For the most part, the move had pretty much worked out well for both of us.

The move had put both of us close to family, so we each had a little quarantine bubble, but it’s still tough to live without seeing people you’re not related to for months. Compared to being completely alone, family is good, but friends are great, and lovers are the best. In the age of Covid, it’s kind of scary to come in contact with anyone you don’t already know and have regular contact with, so finding a new partner can feel like it’s not worth the risk. That’s the other reason this trip had felt so different, aside from the fact that I was going the opposite direction I was used to. Amelia and I had planned on spending pretty much the whole trip together. I had a few things to take care of work-wise, which was technically the reason for the trip in the first place, but mostly that was just the excuse I needed to take a week off to spend in bed with her. We had planned the whole thing for about a month. I was going to pass the hotel to pick her up right from her house, and then we’d check in together, and spend the rest of the night in the hotel room. We’d get room service if we were hungry that first night, and anything else we wanted to do would wait for a day or two after I got there.

I texted Amelia as I rounded the corner into her neighborhood, anticipation building in my mind as I expected to see her outside already waiting for me. The instant I was in view of her house, I was immediately disappointed. Standing next to Amelia was her younger sister, Sarah, in a pose that clearly indicated she wasn’t just seeing her sister off.

Amelia and I had talked about including Sarah on our shopping around day. We had planned on going to a couple of the malls in the resorts on the strip, which is something locals almost never do, but since we were staying at a strip hotel anyway, we figured it would be a fun way to spend a day. When I still lived in town, we’d often bring Sarah along whenever we went to the mall, so it’s not like allowing her to join us this time was unprecedented. And, don’t get me wrong, I liked Sarah a lot. She was sweet, and very cute. But Amelia and I had a plan, and I didn’t think Sarah would be okay just hanging out in the same room while we had our way with each other.

As I parked and got out to help Amelia with her bag, my worst fear was realized, because Sarah got right in behind my driver’s seat with a quick “Hi David…” before closing the door. Amelia looked to me before getting in the car and said, “She asked if she could join us.”

“Sure, of course! You know I love your sister. Not as much as I love you of course…” I said while giving her a quick kiss, and putting her small suitcase in the trunk. When I heard Amelia close her door on the passenger side, sarıyer escort I grumbled to myself a little. I hadn’t ‘taken care of myself’ for over a week in anticipation of being with Amelia, so I wasn’t far off from becoming a little backed up and sore. I stood there for a moment, closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. ‘We’d still have the evening’ I reassured myself. Just a slight delay while we did some window-shopping for a while. Maybe we’d get some dinner. Then we could drop Sarah back off at home, check in to our hotel room, and go right to bed for a night of fun. It wasn’t exactly the plan I had been dreaming of, but I could deal with waiting a little longer, especially since we had the whole week. As soon as I was confident that I was composed again, I closed the trunk and got back in the car.

“Okay girls, where to?”

“Um… The hotel, of course!? Amelia looked at me with a confused expression, like I had asked her if the sun was warm. “We should get checked in first so we don’t have to worry about any of that the rest of the night.”

‘Okay…’ I thought. It made sense that we probably shouldn’t leave all our stuff in the trunk while we shopped. I could understand that. That still worked with the new revised plan I had in my head. Same as before, we’d just check in first. It would be a little out of the way, but it shouldn’t add too much time before Amelia and I were back in our room for the evening…

“Of course. Hotel first. What was I thinking? Onward!” I smiled at Amelia, and received a warm smile in return, along with a gentle hand on my thigh, which sent a warm tingling sensation radiating out through my body. I looked back at Sarah in the rearview mirror and saw that she had her earbuds in and was ever so slightly nodding her head to the beat of some song I couldn’t hear. She looked a little flushed, but so did Amelia. I chalked it up to their wait outside on a sunny and surprisingly warm January afternoon.

The drive was quick, and I managed to find a nice parking spot on a high floor, but very close to the elevators. I grabbed Amelia’s suitcase and my bag, and led the girls to the elevator and the lobby, telling them to feel free to wander around while I got checked in. I had realized on the drive that I only put one occupant when I reserved the room, not thinking of the fact that Amelia was essentially staying with me every night I was there. On the off chance that was a big deal, I didn’t want anyone behind the counter seeing my guests and getting suspicious. But in shockingly little time, I had a couple key cards and we were in another elevator heading up to our room.

“When we get to the room, why don’t you use the bathroom and freshen up a bit. Sarah and I’ll unpack a little and get ready.” Amelia said quietly in the elevator while giving me a gentle pat on the butt.

I suddenly realized how great a suggestion that was as I had a quick flashback to being in a car for almost five hours, and finishing two water bottles on the way. The room key card worked on the first try and I dropped the luggage at the foot of the bed, then made a beeline to the bathroom. As I stood at the toilet, things seemed to be going on for a while, so I started humming the random tune that popped into my head. It was a song from the end credits of a kids show from my childhood called Lamb Chop’s Play-Along. “This is the song that never ends…” By the time I finished, I had sung about three verses in my head, and went to the sink to wash my hands and splash some cold water on my face. Finally able to focus again, I looked down at the front of my pants, and thought ‘…patience, my little friend.’ I could wait until tonight. I was sure Amelia was just as ready for me as I was for her. She’d been telling me, in her most seductive voice, how much she was looking forward to my trip for the last three weeks. A sudden flash of doubt crept into my thoughts. ‘Maybe Amelia was just being polite when she said I was the best she’d ever had. Maybe she wasn’t looking forward to this trip for the same reasons I was. Maybe, having gone without since we’d moved, sex wasn’t something she really needed any more.’

‘No…’ I thought. I always did my best to make up for any lack of prowess with attentiveness and persistence. She’d never once complained to me, and we were open and honest with each other. She new I was a fan of constructive criticism. She’d given me tips and tricks that worked on her. She’d nudged me to the right path if I wasn’t quite reaching the spot she wanted me to. My doubts subsided as I realized that I could at least believe she liked what I did for her before, so she probably wasn’t saying any of that to spare my feelings.

Finally calm, soft, and with my clothes once again looking presentable enough that I felt ready to be seen in public, I opened the bathroom door and was immediately shocked by the view that waited for me on the other side. Suddenly, the disappointment that şarkışla escort I’d felt when Sarah got in the car vanished, and I was no longer okay to be seen in public.


Both girls were wearing matching purple see-through teddies that lacked cups, presenting me with their beautifully large breasts. If the lingerie had come with panties, they had chosen to leave them off of their ensemble, giving me a perfect view of Amelia slowly running her fingers through Sarah’s hair. The rest of their clothes, I noticed, lay in two small piles in the chairs of the little dining table off in the corner next to the window. The girls were positioned with Amelia sitting on the bed, her back up against the headboard and her legs spread, leaving room for Sarah to sit right in front of her, essentially in her lap, with her legs also spread. Sarah’s knees were bent casually, allowing the soles of her feet to almost touch, and affording her big sister all the access she might want. Amelia was slightly leaning over, whispering into Sarah’s ear as she gently pinched her sister’s nipple with her other hand. Sarah’s eyes were closed and her head was slightly tilted up, the look of a girl who was just starting to get into the swing of things. Amelia finished whispering whatever she was saying, and then they were both looking right at me. My mind seemed to go completely blank, reverting to some state where I could still take in my surroundings and understand what was being said to me, but I found I had no control of my voice or movement.

“Surprise!” They both said together. When I still didn’t move or say anything, Amelia started to explain. “I was talking to Sarah about our plans, and she was asking why I was still looking forward to this trip with you, instead of looking to date anyone new?” When she saw that I was in no condition to ask questions or interject, she continued. “I told her that you’re the best I’ve ever had, and how good you taste, and how gentle and thorough you are with foreplay and oral.” As Amelia was talking, I noticed her hands never stopped subtly working on her sister, who was having a bit of difficulty keeping her eyes open while being so delicately tantalized. “We talked in a lot more detail, of course, but she was asking a lot about how things felt, and how the sensations were different between toys and real life…” Sarah gasped a little as, clearly, Amelia hit a good spot. “Then we started talking about how hard it was already to find someone to be with, and how this pandemic was making it impossible to date.” I was understanding everything she was saying, but it still felt like I was missing something, but Amelia continued to fill in the gaps. “Finally, she admitted to me that she was tired of being a virgin, and she said something along the lines of how she wished she could just borrow you for a night.”

Amelia and I had long ago confessed all of our kinks and fantasies to each other, so while I knew that she was bi, liked her hair pulled, and getting spanked, she knew that I was into taboo porn and erotica, and she knew that I thought her sister was just as hot as she was. When I’d first met Amelia, her sister was several years from adulthood, and after a year or so of being together, I’d told her about how guilty I felt over those thoughts and feelings of attraction. At the time, she’d reassured me that it was okay, because she trusted me not to act on any of those feelings and she knew I’d never do anything to make Sarah feel objectified or uncomfortable. Plus, she also said that, as a bi woman, she could objectively agree that her sister was sexy, and she’d be having the exact same thoughts if they weren’t related. At one point, she’d even made an off hand comment that we might be able to get her drunk enough to create an opportunity when she turned twenty-one. At the time it had seemed like an impossible fantasy disguised as a joke, but it would appear that it wasn’t really a joke, and an opportunity had created itself, no booze required.

“So, what do you think?” I suddenly realized that I had no idea how long I’d been standing there without saying or doing something, and it wasn’t clear how long ago Amelia had stopped talking. “Are you okay with this? With… me?” Sarah gasped a little on the last word of the question as Amelia pinched her nipple a little harder.

I nodded, but said “Only if you’re sure, and…” I looked pointedly at Amelia “only if you’re absolutely positive you’re okay with this too.”

Sarah nodded back, but her sister was putting a little more speed and pressure on her clit, so she seemed unable to verbalize her agreement. Amelia, on the other hand, had nothing stoping her from responding. “Of course! Haven’t I always told you that I thought she was hot? Didn’t I tell you I’d love to try getting her drunk and seeing how far we could get with her?” I nodded, the reality finally sinking in that this was, in fact, happening. “And you know how badly I’ve wanted to have şarköy escort a threesome with you. Who else am I going to trust not to try and steal you away from me when all is said and done?” She lowered her head a little, and made her voice sound as sultry as possible, almost a whisper. “And I can’t wait to suck your cum right out of her adorable little pussy.”

That slutty look on Amelia’s face finally snapped me out of whatever paralysis had rooted me to that spot. I suddenly had multitasking abilities that I’d never used before, quickly getting completely undressed while walking the last few steps towards the two most beautiful women I’d ever seen in real life. Even though I felt like I was ready to explode, this was clearly Sarah’s first time, at least with a man. I knew it would be important to go slow and let her get used to the new sensations and experiences as they happened. I reached the bed, and put a hand gently on Sarah’s knee and said “Would you mind if I tasted you?” Amelia didn’t let up with her ministrations even as her sister nodded at me, and I got into a position that afforded me a close-up view of that bright pink slice of heaven.

As I laid down, I caught her scent, sweet and delicate, so much like her sister, yet completely unique. I gently tapped the hand that was blocking my way, and Amelia kindly moved it up to her sister’s other tit, leaning back and pulling Sarah with her. Her pussy seemed to blossom open for me, ready for a new experience. I looked up and I met Sarah’s eyes as her breathing quickened. I opened her legs a little wider and lowered my head to flick my tongue over her clit. She let out a sharp gasp that morphed into a little yelp when I sucked it gently into my mouth. She tasted just as good as she smelled, and it was even better than I had imagined. I moved my tongue down as deep inside of her as I could reach, earning a little whimper as she arched her back to push herself up harder onto my tongue. I worked to reach her g-spot, and when I heard her moan intensify, I moved back out and up to her clit.

“Oh! Oh my GOD! You guys are making me cum! Oh! I think I’m cumming!” I had felt it coming even before she said anything. Her pussy was literally squeezing my tongue, and her juices began trickling into my mouth. I was taken a bit by surprise at how quickly she reached her peak, but I soon remembered that Amelia had probably been getting her worked up for quite a while when I was in the bathroom. “I’m cumming! Ahhh…” the room suddenly got very silent as her orgasm ripped through her, putting a temporary pause on her breathing. Then she let out a little squeak, then a scream. She was practically vibrating as I kept licking her, determined not to stop until she told me to. “Oh god, I think… I think I’m cumming again!” Her vibrating stopped for a moment, and she became very still as I again sucked her clit between my lips, and rubbed my tongue all over it.

“Oh god, I think you’re still cumming baby girl, not cumming again!” Amelia said to her, pinching Sarah’s nipples hard, and slowly rolling them between her fingers. I don’t know if Sarah was having one orgasm after another, or one continuous cum, but it didn’t sound like she much cared. She was enjoying it either way. She tapped my head gently. “Okay… I… I think… I need a minute.” I took this as my cue to pause my assault on her pussy, and slowly got up, seeing Amelia let go of her breasts as well. She was flushed and breathing hard. Her tits were rising and falling quickly with every breath, but they had a slight jiggle every few moments as she had a little shiver. She was trembling all over, especially her legs which were now completely sprawled out limply across the bed, but everything seemed to be a reflection of her enjoyment.

“Thank you. That was amazing, but it was getting… a bit too intense. I think I need a little time.” Amelia switched from lover to caregiver, gently petting her sister’s hair, something they often did to comfort each other. Sarah’s eyes seemed to focus up at me after a few moments, and an idea occurred to her. “Why don’t you take care of Amelia for a little bit. I know she’s been waiting for this trip to be with you… a lot longer than I have. I think she could really use some of your attention.”

Amelia beamed at me from behind her sister, and gave Sarah a quick kiss on her neck. “Thank you!” she almost whispered in her sister’s ear. “Yes! Come here, you!” Amelia said to me as she gently maneuvered around Sarah. I met her half way to kiss her passionately. Normally, our kisses started out fairly gently, and built to something sexier, but Amelia seemed to be well past needing, or even wanting foreplay. Her tongue practically shot into my mouth, wrapping around my own and exploring the inside of my mouth. Sarah was right, we had both been waiting a long time for this trip. As we kissed, Amelia slowly leaned back onto the bed, getting her legs out from under her and positioning herself perfectly with her head on the pillow. We never broke the kiss until she was fully lying down, and I moved my kisses from her lips, to her cheek, then her earlobes. I licked and nibbled down to her neck, then chest, then breast, then nipple. When I stoped licking and started sucking, she grabbed my head and pulled me up until I was looking at her eye to eye.

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