This is my entry for the Halloween Story Contest 2023. Unlike my other two stories that were at least in the realm of plausibility, this one is clearly absurd. But hopefully it still serves as a fun Halloween read.
Jessica paused to read the sign posted on the door. “ATTENTION: A tempting temptress of the arcane arts lies within. Her enchantments are as intoxicating as her sensual charm. Let loose, she’s a whirlwind of wanton whimsy. Can you enhance her restraint? She’s an engaging sight when secured, a delightful diversion when restrained. Step within, but prepare for her captivating magic!””
“Sexist tropes, wonderful,” she muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes. The evening had begun with a spirited group of five, excitedly hopping between haunted houses. However, as the evening wore on, her companions had disappeared. Two had veered off to other engagements, and two others, she suspected, were more interested in exploring each other than haunted houses, leaving Jessica to explore the last one alone.
This final house had thus far been rather lackluster. A few jump scares, eerie music, and a smattering of fog machines hadn’t managed to raise her expectations. But, undeterred, she pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn’t this. The room was devoid of any seductive witches, temptresses, or even a hint of the supernatural. She found herself in a peculiarly decorated room filled with an assortment of items strewn across the floor: faux chains, an assortment of ropes. A solitary table occupied the center of the room, accompanied by a chair placed seemingly at random. Tall cabinets lined the walls, one of which she opened to reveal more coils of rope. Suspended from the ceiling, a handle dangled enticingly, a small sign attached to it inviting her to, “Pull Me!”
Shrugging, Jessica pulled it, but nothing seemed to happen. “Maybe they ran out of time to finish this room,” she thought, feeling a touch of disappointment. It was time to move on, perhaps find a party somewhere. However, as she made to leave, she found her right foot caught in something.
Caught off guard, Jessica bent down to free her ankle from the peculiar contraption. Two metal prongs had sprung out, securing her in place. No matter which way she twisted or tugged, her foot remained firmly trapped.
“Oh, come ON,” she muttered to the empty room. She scanned the area for a tool, or anything that might help, but found nothing within reach. The cabinets had potential, but they were frustratingly out of reach. With a sigh of resignation, she realized that her only hope was to wait for someone to pass by.
Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long. The door creaked open and a young couple sauntered in. Relief flooded Jessica. “Thank God,” she began, “Somehow I got my foot caught here. Can you help me, or maybe find a staff member?”
To her shock, the man chuckled. “Hey, that’s a nice touch,” he remarked to his date. “This room is the highlight of the house. I don’t know how they keep finding hot women for this part.”
The woman punched him playfully on the arm, feigning annoyance. She turned towards the cabinets, asking, “What do you mean, ‘hot’? Now … ‘Enhance her restraints,’ was it?” Jessica’s eyes bulged as she watched the woman retrieve a pair of handcuffs.
“Oh c’mon, baby, no woman could compare to you,” the man cajoled.
Jessica snapped out of her shocked silence as the woman approached with the handcuffs, the man reaching out to pull Jessica’s arms behind her back. “Wait! This is a misunderstanding,” she implored. “I’m a visitor, like you! I got got stuck, and …” She squirmed, but the man was stronger than he appeared, and her protests fell on deaf ears as the girlfriend snapped the handcuffs into place.
The couple retreated, holding hands. She pleaded for them to release her, to no avail.
The woman, looking amused, said to her companion, “They sure do hire talented actresses. But we should get going, Luis and Karen must be waiting.”
“Right!” he concurred. As they departed, he threw a final remark over his shoulder. “Enjoy the rest of your night!”
Alone in the eerie quiet, Jessica struggled to come to terms with her unexpected predicament. It had never occurred to her that the suggestive sign might have led others to perceive her as the temptress it promised. This realization set her mind racing, trying to guess at ways to convince the next guest that she was a fellow visitor, not an attraction.
As the door creaked open, Jessica immediately blurted out, “Look, I know the sign out there makes it sound like I’m part of the haunted house, but I swear, I’m just a visitor who got trapped and…” Her voice faded as the man, seemingly unfazed by her pleas, veered towards a cabinet.
With an air of self-satisfaction, he murmured, “Ah, just the thing,” and turned back towards Jessica.
“No, you don’t altınordu escort understand! I’m not… What are you doing?!” She protested, but the man seemed deaf to her pleas. He proceeded to secure a leather cuff around her free ankle, stretching her legs apart before anchoring the restraint to a table leg. Each guest so far was just getting her further from freedom.
Still crouching, the man indulged in her vulnerability, his hand creeping up the inside of her leg underneath her skirt, tracing a slow, deliberate path to her thigh before halting just at the edge of her panties. A shiver rippled through Jessica at the unexpected but not unpleasant touch, despite her disbelief at her predicament.
“Delightful indeed,” he said, repeating the process on her other leg, her breath hitching at the sensual touch. “Quite the bound allure,” he concluded, rising and heading for the door. Jessica watched him depart, her heart sinking as her hopes of a savior were dashed.
Jessica stood there, her mind going in circles, trying to reason a way out of this trap. Try as she might, she couldn’t think of a thing.
The door slowly opened again. A ray of hope sparked within Jessica. It was a man who looked to be around her parents’ age. Maybe, just maybe, he would listen to her.
“Hello, sir,” she began. “My name is Jessica. It’s a funny thing, really…” she tried to gesture with her chin towards her foot caught in the trap. “I was just passing through, like you, and now…”
She paused, taking a deep breath before rushing on, “People think I’m the witch the sign outside promised. They keep restraining me. But I swear, I’m not part of the show.”
The man was silent for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face as he appraised Jessica, then finally spoke, a reassuring tone in his voice. “Yes, yes, I think I can help you. There’s just the thing in that cabinet over there behind you.”
Relief flooded over Jessica. “Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.” She craned her neck to try to see what the man was retrieving from the cabinet. “What’s in there? Tools? I thought maybe there would be some tools, but I couldn’t reach, but now — uuhagh!”
She had completely missed the man coming back up behind her before he suddenly slipped something into her mouth. It felt like a hollow ring, trapped behind her teeth. She tried pushing it out with her tongue, but he was already pulling the straps tight behind her head, buckling it securely.
“uuhagh aue you noinh,” she tried to say, the ring gag distorting her speech, her eyes wide with surprise.
The man walked back around in front of her and said, smiling, “There, isn’t that better? No more using your siren song to trick passerby, sorceress!” he finished, chuckling at himself. “Well, that takes care of the first part, but I believe there was also something about a delightful diversion promised?”
Jessica could only watch as the man reached two hands out and began cupping her breasts, groping them roughly through her shirt. “Hghoch!” escaped her lips, but the man just chortled as he continued manhandling her, saying, “I knew that would be just the thing. You won’t distract me, witch!” To her surprise, as he continued, she again felt the stirrings of arousal within her. She had been curious about bondage before and what people saw in it but had certainly never imagined her first experience being in a haunted house with complete strangers.
After a few minutes, the man stepped back and, with a twinkle in his eye, said, “My thanks, young sorceress, for giving an old man such a captivating spectacle this evening. I could stay here all night with you, but I mustn’t hog all your time. Off to see what other trouble I can get into!” Then he made his departure, a grin on his face as he exited the door.
Standing there, trying to get used to the feel of the rubber coated ring forcing her mouth open, Jessica considered that each added restraint only made her look more like part of the show. And now that she’d lost the power of speech, her odds of being released had dropped precipitously.
Eventually the door opened once more. A woman, about Jessica’s age, stepped in, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of Jessica’s bound body. Jessica tried to ask for help, but what came out was unintelligible to even her own ears. Any hope Jessica might have felt faded as she watched the woman’s eyes light up with barely disguised lust. The woman didn’t even look in the cabinets, but instead walked straight up to Jessica and began unbuttoning her shirt.
The woman slipped Jessica’s shirt over her shoulders and down her arms, the sleeves trapped by her bound wrists. The woman, licking her lips, said, “You’re the yummiest thing I’ve seen tonight,” and started caressing the tops of Jessica’s breasts. Jessica closed her eyes, her emotions a whirlwind racing between frustration at being stuck, shock at how quickly her situation has changed, and her own altınova escort growing desire from the attention being paid her body.
The mystery woman, her own arousal becoming apparent, soon reached into the cups of Jessica’s bra and pulled her breasts out. Immediately, she started sucking on Jessica’s left nipple while teasing the other one with her fingers. Jessica found herself arching her back in pleasure, starting to moan through the gag as the anonymous woman played with her boobs. After a minute or two, she switched to sucking on the other breast, her hands now tweaking a wet, saliva-covered nipple.
After several more minutes, the mystery woman finally stepped back. “You are quite the tethered treasure,” she giggled. “I’d stay but I think I’m supposed to leave more for the next visitor. Bye, girl!” She waved as she stepped out the door, leaving Jessica trying to catch her breath.
Not a minute had gone by before the door opened again, letting a 30-ish man into the room, dressed like he just got off work from an office. He stood, his eyes sweeping up and down over Jessica. “This did not disappoint — you are definitely a tempting temptress, babe.” He walked over to rub his thumbs over her nipples, commenting, “You’ve been busy, I see!” as he felt the wetness. Jessica just groaned through her gag.
He didn’t fondle her for long, though, before turning and rummaging through cabinets. “Aha!” he cried, a triumphant tone in his voice. Jessica wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he’d found, but by now was equally sure that she would soon know whether she wanted to or not.
“This has to go, though. Sorry,” he said. He unhooked her bra, and Jessica looked at him skeptically, wondering just how he intended to get it off past her handcuffed hands. But he pulled out a pocketknife and before she could react, had snipped the straps of her bra, then pulled it loose and dropped it on the floor. Jessica looked at it, sadly, thinking how much she had liked that bra.
She still wasn’t sure what he’d gotten from the cabinet, but he seemed to have forgotten about it himself, as his attention returned to her nipples, rolling each of them between his fingers gently but insistently. She closed her eyes as he played with her, then heard him say, “That should be good.”
A moment later she was sure he had bitten down on her left nipple, but when her eyes flew open, instead of his teeth she spied instead a clamp hanging off her nip. Jessica let out a cry of pain at the sudden jolt as the second clamp bit into her right nipple. She looked down to see them both swollen between the tips of the clamps, the chain dangling between them. “There, there,” the man said soothingly while gently stroking the sides of her breasts, “it won’t hurt as much in a minute.”
A few minutes later, Jessica realized that the man was, to her surprise, correct. The sharpness of the pain was gone, replaced by a dull ache in her nipples. And the slow, barely-there strokes the man was giving her breasts were driving her wild. This was one of her favorite ways to have her boobs touched, but most guys just went straight to squeezing them like they were a stress toy.
All too soon, the man stopped his stroking of her boobs, leading to her giving a little whine of dismay through her gag. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and took his leave.
Next up was another couple, holding hands, about her age. The man was wearing a leather jacket and jeans, while the woman had on a tight black dress. The woman raised her eyebrows at the sight of Jessica, commenting, “She’s been busy.” The man seemed to be holding back, lingering in the doorway. Jessica wondered if the hesitation was around the protocol for how to act in a room featuring both his girlfriend and a bound, half-naked woman. The girlfriend, looking back, laughed and grabbed at his hand, pulling him into the room, the sound of the door latching shut echoing in the space. “Oh, go on, I know what you want. I meant what I said earlier.”
The words seemed to embolden the man, who walked in and ran his hands over Jessica’s naked torso, squeezing her boobs and gently tugging on her clamps, causing Jessica to squeal through her gag. Then he turned around, and started going through some boxes of loose hardware in one of the cabinets. He showed something in his hand to the woman, who nodded her head as she laughed, saying, “I’m just glad it’s not me this year.”
“This year? Has this kind of thing happened before?” Jessica thought. Then she felt the woman’s hand on her upper back, pushing her, forcing her to lean forward.
The boyfriend, kneeling between Jessica’s feet, looked down at the floor then at Jessica’s tits, now dangling down, the weight of the clamps seeming to stretch them out, then said, “Just a little more, babe.” The woman pushed harder, and Jessica deepened her bend. The man seemed to do something then to the chain dangling from Jessica’s nipples, then altıparmak escort he stood up and the woman let go. Jessica tried to stand, but immediately realized that the guy had attached her nipple clamps to something on the floor, causing an awful pain in her breasts when she tried to straighten back up. She looked down to see a new chain, attached to a ring on the floor she hadn’t previously noticed, the other end hooked around the chain between her nipples.
She groaned through the gag at this newest indignity, then saw with trepidation that the man was lowering his pants. Then she heard a zipper being unzipped, and realized as she felt her skirt falling away that the woman must be removing her one remaining outer garment. As she was trying to process all of this, the man stepped forward and, holding her head between his hands, pushed her head down on his cock.
Jessica tried to voice a protest at the suddenness of this encounter, but between the ring gag and the cock filling her mouth, only a whimper came out. Holding her head in place, he started slowly pumping his cock in and out of her mouth through the ring. Meanwhile, the woman had finished her alteration of Jessica’s clothing and was tracing fingernails up and down the backs of her legs, occasionally reaching between her spread-open thighs to stroke her pussy through the front of Jessica’s panties, which were rapidly getting wetter. “Oh, come on, she can take more than that,” the woman said, a mocking tone in her voice. “I certainly had to.”
Before Jessica could process the implications of that statement, the man started thrusting deeper, starting to trigger Jessica’s gag reflex. After a few more thrusts, it suddenly became easier, and she could feel his cock going into her throat as the man’s balls rested briefly on her chin. “That’s more like it,” the woman said approvingly, as the man groaned in pleasure.
The man continued slowly face-fucking her, pulling all the way out before pushing balls-deep back into her mouth, back and forth, seemingly in no hurry at all, while the woman continued her teasing stroking of Jessica’s legs. Eventually, the fingers became bolder, the woman pulling Jessica’s panties down just enough for the woman to work a finger tip up to tease Jessica’s wet opening.
Jessica had no sense of time anymore, lost in a sexed-out daze, but eventually the man started to speed up, his thrusts becoming more urgent as his groaning became louder. As he did, the woman started pumping her finger further up inside Jessica, pulling out only to stroke between her labia. The noises Jessica was making were starting to sound inhuman, between the moaning brought on by the woman’s touch and the steady squelching noise as the man pumped into Jessica’s throat.
Suddenly he was spewing his hot semen into her mouth. Most of it shot down her throat, but gagged as she was, she couldn’t easily swallow, so the rest of the man’s cum dripped out of the sides of her mouth, joining the puddle of drool already on the floor. The man staggered back, his cock bobbing up and down as he did. As the woman finally removed her finger from Jessica’s innards, Jessica groaned in frustration at being left to stew.
The man looked inquisitively at his girlfriend, raising his eyebrows, causing her to laugh once again. “Oh, no. She started it, she can finish it. I only clean the messes I create,” she said, a lascivious tone entering her voice. With a grunt, the man stepped forward again, putting his cock back into Jessica’s gaping mouth. “Lick,” the woman commanded, looking at Jessica. She licked all around as best she could, as the man slid in and out until he was satisfied that she had gotten all of his ejaculate.
“And now to clean my mess,” she continued. “It appears that someone has dribbled all over themselves.” With that, she started licking the insides of Jessica’s thighs and over the front of her panties.
While she was doing that, the man pulled his jeans back up, saying with a contented sigh, “God, I love this time of year.”
The girlfriend gave one last parting nibble to Jessica’s inner thigh, causing her to jump in surprise, then stood, laughing again, saying, “Because this is when you met me, right? Is what you meant?”
“Of course,” he said with a smile, as they walked out, arm and arm, leaving Jessica behind, almost entirely naked, bent over, and a quivering mess.
She got a few minutes before the door swung open again. Jessica craned her head up to see who walked in on her this time. A younger man walked in, wearing a t-shirt that read ‘Freshman Orientation’ with a date from just last month. “God,” the man said, an almost reverent tone in his voice, “the tales of this place were true.”
Did everyone know about this place but her, Jessica wondered?
“Oh, I’m … I’m Matt,” the freshman stammered out. “It’s really nice to meet you. Umm… Oh, I guess you can’t say your name with that.” He stepped forward, looking for all the world like a kid in a candy shop who can’t decide what to try first. He started running his hands all over her body, but kept returning to her breasts. Dangling as they were, effectively tied to the floor, Jessica considered that they were, at the moment, an even more prominent feature on her than they usually were.
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