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A Promise by Moonlight Pt. 06


Chapter 11

When Professor Connors got back to the campsite after his encounter with Ix Chel he immediately went to his tent. He let the junior members of the archaeological expedition run today’s drills in the pyramid. Meanwhile, he stayed in his tent doing research on Ix Chel and how transference could take place.

Everything Professor Connors found about Ix Chel was good. She was a loving, caring and benevolent goddess. According to Mayan folklore her only true love was the sun God, but that ended in a fit of jealousy. She gains all her power from the moon and now that he knew that, he recalled her moonstone bracelet and belly ring. She is a goddess of lovers and pregnant women.

Professor Connors knew that if Elsa was going to be taken by a goddess, Ix Chel is probably the best one. None of that really mattered, because his Elsa was in danger. He had to find a way to rid Elsa of this Goddess and bring her back to him.

His research on the transference was vague and nothing more than rumors. They all generally had one thing in common however, and that was some kind of device. Most of the speculated devices were disguised as altars. As he pondered this he wondered if he had overlooked something in that corner of the pyramid where he found her clothes.

It was late in the afternoon when he exited his tent and began the trek to the pyramid. He took three things with him: water, a flashlight and a security rifle. By the time he reached the pyramid shadows were long and he knew he had only a few minutes before the pyramid would be impaled in shadows. None of that mattered, as Elsa was his only concern.

Professor Connors wiggled through the hole in the side of the pyramid. Once again he found her stack of clothes, but this time he conducted a thorough search of this small hallway. After about 15 minutes of looking he found the loose stone that hid a lever. When he pushed the lever to one side a door opened into a large antechamber with an altar prominently at one end. He knew he had found the transference device and he could still smell Elsa’s scent inside.

Ken immediately went to the altar and began to examine the device. The first thing he noticed were the constraints at each corner meant to keep the sacrificial victim in place. All the markings on the altar were different from anything he had ever seen. They were light, delicate and almost feminine. He guessed this was a clue to the origin of the goddess that it contained. The top was hollowed out to accept a female form, but it also contained small channels. All the channels seemed to lead to a central point between the legs of its captive.

Professor Connors began to run his hands over the interior of the altar. The interior seemed slick and yet at the same time porous. He followed the channels to the central point at which point he felt a slight give in the center. When he pushed the altar’s soft spot a phallus rose from the center. The phallus looked like a dense wood, but when he touched it felt like a hard oily wood. The channels all seemed to radiate from the center phallus and now their function made sense. The channels would distribute the sexual fluids from the victim.

The entire functioning of the device was becoming abundantly clear. The sacrificial woman would be strapped to the altar with the phallus inside the victim’s pussy. Somehow the victim would be made to orgasm with the channels being used to distribute her resulting nectar. The DNA from the female sacrifice would be used for the goddess to take over the victim’s body. Now he had to figure out how to reverse the process.

Professor Connors stayed in the antechamber for another two hours while he made rubbings, detailed sketches of the altar and the entire room. He also took photographs with his phone, but he knew he would rely on the sketches more than the photos. When he was satisfied that he documented everything he had seen he carefully closed up the chamber and left everything exactly the way he found it.

When he crawled outside the pyramid it was pitch black outside. The sun had long ago set and he used his flashlight to find his way back to the camp. His mind was in turmoil over what he had seen and that, ayvalık escort plus the blackness of the night caused him to stumble multiple times. By the time he made it back to the campsite everyone had already gone to bed, but inside his tent somebody had left him a plate of dinner. He put the dinner on his small working table and sat down with his sketches.

He ate the cold rice and beans while he absentmindedly studied his sketches. He wondered if just repeating the process would free Elsa or if something else is needed. His mind drifted with all kinds of possibilities shutting out all the sights and sounds around him. He was almost in a dream state and suddenly something touched his mind.

He broke from his trance and looked up seeing Elsa dressed as the goddess in front of him. He stood abruptly knocking the chair down behind him and stared at the vision in front of him. This time she looked soft and vulnerable like his Elsa. She wasn’t taking charge or forcing him to do anything. He slowly walked over to her, taking in her innocent beauty.

Ix Chel subtly guided Ken to begin his seduction. This night was his turn to make love to her. She eased his mind and worries, letting him know the she was here for him. She gave Elsa more control this time. She had broken the ice last time and this time she wanted to take a back seat letting the two lovers find each other. His eyes caressed her as he moved towards her. He licked his lips in anticipation and his hands flexed as waited to have her. Their eyes were glued together as they studied each other and the sexual heat blossomed.

Ken reached up and slowly unfastened her top letting it fall to the floor. His hands rested on her hips as his eyes caressed her face, neck and breasts. Sensuous goosebumps seemed to follow his eyes as they traveled over her skin. Her nipples hardened as they begged for his touch. His hands glided over her sensuous belly, up her ribs until they cupped her breasts. He held her breasts in his hands as his thumb and forefinger began to worry her nipples.

As his eyes reached her navel his hands dropped from her breasts and undid her skirt. Once again his eyes caressed the remainder of this naked vision standing in front of him. His hands slowly explored all of her satiny skin until Ix Chel/Elsa slowly walked seductively over and sat on his bed. As Ken watched Elsa move towards the bed it was as if she had found and finally embraced her femininity.

Elsa was feeling many of the same emotions. The way Ken looked at her made her feel gorgeous and sexy. Now she knew what it was like to be a woman who reveled in her femininity. She seemed aware of every movement. Elsa was conscious of the way her breasts wobbled on her chest. She was mindful of the way her hips rolled and the way she sat attentively waiting for him to take her.

The fact that Ix Chel was with her, gave her the courage to do what she was doing. She was offering herself and even surrendering her body to her lover. She couldn’t wait to feel him choose her and then own her as he claimed her. Ix Chel was not controlling either of them now and wanted to truly feel what loving someone is all about. She didn’t want to hide anymore and she only wanted to give this gift to him. She laid herself open and bare to him, wanting to embrace and waiting to see what would happen.

He sat down next to her and looked into those eyes full of eagerness and love. Not a word been said, but he knew why she was here. He didn’t know if it was the goddess or Elsa inside, but somehow he knew she wanted him to make love to her. He cupped her face in his hand, she responded by rubbing her face into his hand. Last time had been sex controlled by the goddess, but this time he was going to make love to her. He leaned over and began to softly yet sensuously nibble on her lips and mouth.

Suddenly he thrust his tongue in her mouth claiming her mouth as his and Ix Chel/Elsa gasped and moaned as she gave herself to him. She responded passionately to Ken’s loving possession of her. He had a hunger for her and wanted to taste every part of her tore down all the walls she had built. He wanted to strip away all her doubts and fears, aziziye escort leaving her open, vulnerable and trusting as they became one. Two years of pent-up love and passion came pouring out of Ken as he began to slowly stake his claim to every part of her sensuous body.

He sucked and nibbled on her neck, ears then moving to her breasts where he aggressively nipped and bit her breasts. He moved to her nipples leaving tiny red marks as he claimed her outstanding breasts as his. Ix Chel/Elsa was responding by pushing her body into his aggressive attack, demanding he claim her as his. She wanted him to take her, all while she wanted to give herself completely to her lover. Ix Chel and Elsa both felt the euphoria and the freedom of completely releasing control of her body to Ken.

Ken continued moving down her body claiming every part of her licking, nipping, biting and caressing every inch of her ribs, her flat sunken belly, her sensuous naval as he moved on to her hips. He nibbled around her hips and then down her right leg paying special attention to the sensitive areas of the inner thigh, behind the knee and her toes. He moved to the left leg starting with her toes and moving up her leg aiming for her weeping pussy that was thrusting up and down begging for attention.

By the time he reached her pussy Ix Chel/Elsa was writhing in ecstasy strapped to a rocket ready to explode the minute he touched her. There was no softness as Ken sucked her entire pussy lips into his mouth and Elsa’s whole body came off the bed as she exploded into a love affirming, heart rending and mind numbing orgasm. This was exactly what Ix Chel/Elsa needed and had been longing for.

It was like nothing Elsa had ever experienced before. All the muscles on her arms and legs were taut and distended as she strained against his body. She arched her back in ecstasy with her legs trapping his head between her trembling thighs. Her arms pulled, clawed and tugged his shoulders as she fought the waves of rapture. The tendons in her arms and legs and chords in her neck were all distended as she silently screamed her blissful love.

Ken didn’t let up as he sucked her pussy and lightly bit her clit as he continued to claim this woman he madly loved. He continued to drive her orgasm higher and higher as Elsa’s stomach muscles cramped into tight knots trying to curl her body around the pulsations centering in her pussy. Her whole body began to spasm as Ken refused to relent in his claiming of the woman he loved. Whether it was one long orgasm or multiples chained together Ix Chel/Elsa continued floating in a sea of orgasmic rapture.

Elsa in her wildest dreams never dreamed of the kind of unending bliss she was feeling now. It was like the never ending climax of a fireworks show. Her world consisted of blinding flashes of light behind her eyes and gut twisting spasms of ecstasy. She thought it was a shock and awe campaign before he stuffed her with his cock. As wildly pleasurable as this was she still couldn’t wait to feel him buried deep inside her.

Ken relented and stopped sucking her pussy long enough to kneel between her legs and drive his cock deep into her pussy, claiming the rest of her as his. When he stopped eating her pussy Elsa’s body fell back to the bed but blasted into a whole new level of orgasm when he drove his hard cock deeply into her pussy. As his thick, long hard cock pounded against her cervix she shattered into a thousand sparkling lights. Ix Chel/Elsa screamed with passion as the ecstasy overrode all of her bodily functions. All she could feel was the rapture as her lover claimed her and drove her to heights of bliss she had never known.

In the midst of her ecstasy Elsa felt Ix Chel squeezing her kegel muscles around Ken’s cock. She felt an increase in pleasure and corresponding groans of pleasure from Ken. She also noticed the way Ix Chel tilted her hips and met each of Ken’s thrusts with thrusts of her own. Elsa began to notice all the little things that Ix Chel did to increase hers and Ken’s pleasure. It was an incredible experience both from learning and from unparalleled rapture.

Elsa’s whole body was quivering and shaking with spastic babaeski escort movements as the orgasms piled on top of each other. Ken finally drove into her the last time and implanted his creamy cum deep into her pussy. As he continued to pour his cum inside her, Ken’s passionate madness began to clear. He leaned down once more to kiss the woman he loved more than life itself. However, Ix Chel couldn’t respond because her whole body was still shaking so hard even her teeth were chattering. Ken began to softly kiss her face and give her body soothing caresses.

Ken stared into Ix Chel/Elsa’s eyes and kissed her cheek as he said, “I just wanted you to know that you are mine and you will always be mine. I love you more than I can say.”

As he looked into Elsa’s eyes he could see unbridled love. The way they had made love was the perfect union between two lovers. She had given herself openly, willingly and freely. She let him have her anyway he wanted and the scorching ecstasy was nothing short of euphoric. Both of them learned that the more love you send out, the more love you get back. He knew he had made love to Elsa and that she loved him as much as he loved her.

Ken knew that not only at the made love with their bodies, but also with their hearts. For a moment the world seemed to stop as their eyes stared into each other’s soul. It was a moment so perfect and so intense, it seemed like an ending, but they both knew it was really a beginning. As he stared into her eyes he saw Elsa fade and Ix Chel once again take control. While the love and passion were still in her eyes there was also a purpose.

Elsa tried to wrap her arms around Ken and snuggled deep into his embrace. Unfortunately, Ix Chel had already taken control. She was deliriously happy and desperately wanted to spend the rest of the night with Ken’s arms around her. Ix Chel had something else in mind and began to squirm out from under Ken’s body.

Elsa was still blissfully happy inside her prison. It wasn’t just the incredible sex, because she saw his love for her through his eyes. While they were joined together she felt his love for her shining through. While the satisfaction and contentment washed over her she also felt cherished and loved. She knew that Ix Chel was the reason she and Ken had made the jump and were now lovers.

She desperately wanted to spend the night snuggling against his chest and feel his arms holding her tight. Their leap into being lovers was a dream come true and she wanted to spend lots of time in each other’s arms. Elsa was ready to get rid of this third party, goddess and spend some time alone with Ken.

She stood on wobbly legs while she gathered her clothes and disappeared into the black darkness outside his tent. She left never having said a word, but he knew the goddess was satisfied. The looks in Elsa’s eyes and told him that she knew he loved her and that he would save her.

Ix Chel walked back through the night on shaky legs. Professor Connors had taken her to the heights of pleasure and kept her there for almost an hour. She couldn’t remember having anyone except the Sun god making love to her like this mortal had. He was a powerful lover and knew how to make a woman feel special. He loved the woman whose body she was using and he wanted her back. For the first time in centuries she felt satiated, contented and danced on air. Did she really want to give up this love, this body and this passion?

As Ix Chel began to walk away, Elsa felt fear in the pit of her stomach. Ken had shown her what loving someone was all about. It was life-changing for Elsa and now she was afraid that Ix Chel would never release her. She was scared that she would never experience love again.

Professor Connors didn’t trust this Ix Chel. Even if Elsa had just been a friend he would’ve tried to save her, but she was more than a friend. He remembered a quote from a long time ago:

“For love I will do anything, but for you I will do even more.”

He had to save her; he had too. He sat back at his table and fired up his computer. He had to find a way to get this deity out of Elsa’s body. He once again launched into his research with the passion of a man possessed.

As the sky began to lighten with the oncoming morning, he began to formulate his plan. The research had been fruitless, but he used hints, speculations and even gut instinct to come up with a plan. He was going to save Elsa no matter what and then she would be his.

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