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A Full-Service Cottage Ch. 02


This is my first posting to the Transgender & Crossdressers. I have used Fetish as the all-encompassing bucket for my varied tastes, but I think this story is better here.

This 2nd chapter makes more sense if the first is read. This story contains elements of cross dressing, homosexuality, cuckolding, femdom and will likely progress into a wider variety of pleasures. If this is not your thing, I welcome you to find other stories that are.

For everyone else, as always, I really appreciate your comments and will try to continually improve on my product.

Chapter 2

The morning sun shone through the windows indicating a day of summer that we can only dream of for half the year. Without disturbing Anna, I rose and hurried to the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast. Every time I thought about the night before, my tiny cage became quite uncomfortable. I soon realized that I was thinking of little else. I quickly showered and decided it would be in my best interest to find something from my new wardrobe. Everything was tiny, and I selected a pair of ultra tiny shorts and a crop top.

Once I heard some water running in the master bedroom, accessing her room now was the best choice. I left her coffee on the nightstand, fluffed up her pillows and returned to the kitchen for breakfast.

Preparing the food, I could see our hosts on their dock cleaning up the boat. Lynn was wearing what I would call a micro-bikini, and Mark wore a speedo and looked like he swam competitively. They were quite the stunning couple. I looked down at myself and realized just how pathetic I was beside these folks.

Breakfast was served on our back deck. I made sure to stay out of sight due to my attire, but the trees on the property and the windbreak on the desk enabled me to move while remaining out of sight of our hosts.

Anna outlined her plans for the day, basically a day of relaxation, some reading, and a paddle in our canoe, and I needed to prep for dinner as Mark and Lynn were going to join us.

“Um, sorry Mistress, but I was not aware of additional guests,” I began badly, “for food I mean, and it is our first real day and night, so I thought.”

“Exactly, Krissi” Anna interrupted “you thought. Thinking is always an issue, sissy, and certainly not for this trip! I invited Mark and Lynn to thank them for giving us such a great deal on their cottage. I thought it would be lovely and you would prepare and serve a lovely dinner for our guests.”

“Yes, Mistress. That would indeed be lovely” I grumbled.

“Now, should we allow your service in manly attire? I had not considered that part.”

“Please, Mistress, yes,” I responded immediately, perhaps too urgently. The words hung heavily in the air.

“We would not want to make you, or our guests, feel too uncomfortable, would we Krissi?” she added smiling. “I know that you would want to be pretty in lacy attire, however, sissy, so that would be appropriate.”

“Thank you, Mistress,” I responded.

The rest of the day was mostly spent outside. Paddling up the lake we marvelled at the beauty and seclusion of this lake. There were perhaps three houses on the large inlet of the lake where we were situated and while the lake did not seem small, we were surprised when we realized there were perhaps 6 or 7 inlets we could see as we paddled across the centre.

We returned to the cottage a couple of hours later and after settling our gear, I began preparing for the evening. Knowing Mistress and her penchant for nice service, I spent a lot of time on the table preparation. A typical summer dinner of chicken brochettes, seasonal veggies served over rice would be simple yet elegant with a white wine sauce and small French tartes for dessert.

I had the wine in to chill before I prepared myself for dinner.

The secret sissy idea always appealed to me. I was excited that I was wear some lovely lingerie under my clothing. I decided against a bralette, concerned for the lines. I chose a sexy lace black ensemble that I thought my mistress would approve of, I decided on all out and went with lacy garter, crotchless panties and sheer nylons with a back seam.

Showering and shaving my entire body got me more into the thought process of the evening. I looked at my makeup table and smiled knowing that it was just tonight that I would not be dolling myself up. Hair could be easily styled later so I chose a simple ponytail.

A nice pair of light kakis and a button down short sleeved shirt, done and done. All set to prep dinner and greet our guests.

I set up a plate of hors d’oeuvres, some sparkling white and a sparling water. The table was set, and I lit candles around the dining area nestled along the large window overlooking the lake.

Anna entered moments later and took my breath away. She wore one of my favourite dresses. Short, silvery grey, the neckline plunged offering a beautiful view of her 36C cleavage, and the back was completely open. Light grey thigh-highs and her four-inch stiletto heels completed the look letting me know she had dressed to impress. Avrupa yakası travesti And she certainly had. The shimmery, grey offsets her short, styled red hair, and her makeup added an elegance literally finishing her look from head-to-toe.

“Well, don’t you look quite handsome, Krissi. Not quite what I was expecting. I think that until our guests arrive the dinner preparation should be completed in accordance to my instruction, Krissi. The shirt, pants and boat shoes should be replaced with sissy attire,” she calmly instructed. “Please remove those clothes so I may review your lingerie, and then you may find something more appropriate. Once you are ready, you may bring me a glass of wine, please.”

Looking at the clock it was almost 6:30. Our guests were to be here at 7:15. Since I would be finishing in the kitchen, I decided I would need my male clothing close by ‘just in case.’

I quickly removed my boat shoes and slid my pants off, laying them over the chair, and hung my shirt on the back. Mistress instructed me to turn for her and ran her hand up the back of my thighs.

“Nice job on the line, Krissi. Nice and straight,” she commented. “No top or bralette? Disappointing, but I do like the nipple rings with the little handcuffs. Nice touch. Would you please turn and bend over?”

Knowing better than to question my Mistress, I hurried to comply. I felt cold metal against my ass as she spread my cheeks and rather abruptly slid a large metal plug, into my ass. I was quite happy that I had stretched my ass when I was cleaning myself out earlier. The pain was minimal, but the surprise was massive.

“I think that was required, Krissi. Your cock is straining at the cage. I like it when you appreciate displaying yourself and when I abuse your ass,” she smiled. “I do believe that all sissies should be caged and plugged. I am thirsty and you have preparations to complete before our guests arrive.”

I had already selected my little black dress for later, so that was appropriate for my dinner preparation. I added my own 3″ stilettos as they are MUCH easier to walk in than my 4 or 5″.

“MUCH better, Krissi,” she commented from her chaise in front of the window when I brought her wine. “You’d better get a move-on.”

I hoped our guests would be fashionably late for the stated 7:15, or even 7:30 but had no way of knowing. I hurried through the kitchen doing the final touches and making sure the preparations were complete.

I heard the knock on the door at 7:00.

“Oh sorry, sissy. I forgot that the guests were coming at 7. I’ll get the door.”

While the kitchen was ready, I was not. Turning to grab my male clothes I realized they had been removed. I heard my Mistress open the door and greet our guests and saw my clothes on a chair near where my Mistress had been sitting. I had no choice but to try to grab them from this chair quickly, visually just beyond the half-wall of the kitchen.

Darting into the room, I grabbed them in a single bound each way. I dropped my dress while pulling off my stilettos and did the one-leg hop into my pants while I attempted to throw on my shirt simultaneously. I jammed my feet into my boat shoes, kicked my stilettos under a stool and threw the dress into a drawer as Mark walked into the kitchen carrying two bottles of wine.

“Hey Bud!” he patted me on the shoulder. “One for tonight and one as a welcome,” he smiled as he put the wine on the counter.

Standing beside him trying to calm my racing heart, I realized just how big he was. 7 or 8 inches taller than myself and much broader in the shoulders and chest. He filled out the short sleeves in his button down much better than I did. Memories of how good he looked in his Speedo came back in admiration.

“Thanks, Mark,” I responded, hearing the stress still in my voice as I tried to chill. “There is beer in the fridge or sparkling wine on the counter, help yourself.”

At that moment, the ladies entered.

Not to be out done by my Mistress, Lynn wore a short, and I mean short, red leatherette dress with a deep plunging neckline, and black, knee high five-inch stiletto boots. A black patent leather choker matched her boots. I had to tell myself to breathe. Holy shit she was hot! I was envious of her attire, impressed by her confidence.

Mark turned to Lynn and gave his drink instructions, perhaps to present the social structure. “Sweetie, Kris is kind of busy. I will have a beer, please. Anna? What would you like?” he added turning to Anna.

Anna, as if nothing were amiss responded that she would appreciate fresh wine over near the window.

“Splendid,” Mark responded. “You may bring the drinks over to the settee, Lynn.”

Lynn just smiled and nodded “Or course, darling. Make yourselves comfortable.”

I said nothing but certainly took pleasure in watching Lynn move through the kitchen getting the drinks ready. She opened a lower cupboard and bent at the waist to grab a tray. She had a stunning physique. Smoothing her dress, she arranged the drinks, smiled Avrupa yakası travestileri at me, and took the tray out to Anna and Mark. It was not missed that I did not get a drink.

“Can I get something for you, Lynn?” I offered, hoping to be the bigger man and omit the oversight.

“White wine sounds lovely, Kris. Thank you. How sweet of you to offer.” Her smile made my cage twitch.

As I turned back with the wine glasses, Lynn stooped, and picked up my black stilettos. Looking at the size as she turned them over in her hands, she smiled at me with a wink and placed them side by side against the wall. I pretended not to notice and was a little red-faced while I poured our wine and said nothing.

She took the wine, and looked down at my feet, then up into my eyes, raising her eyebrows, smiling and returned to the group. I could not hear what was said, but my cheeks reddened more when I heard everyone laugh.

Not wanting to return to what could be humiliating, I headed out to the BBQ taking the patio door beside the settee area. Mark came out to join me and we had a lovely chat. He told me about his boat and the folks they usually entertain either on board or in one of the many coves nearby. Sounded like quite the tight community with some wild parties.

Announcing a two-minute warning, I returned to the kitchen for final assembly. As the group assembled around the table, Mark held out the chair on the far side of the table for Anna, then sat down beside her, leaving the side seats for myself and Lynn closest to the kitchen. He looked to Lynn and held up his beer glass. “I think I will switch over to wine now, Lynn. You might help Kris with anything he needs.”

I was happy with the help and Lynn seemed happy enough to assist.

As I prepared the food for delivery to the table, Lynn filled first Anna’s, then Mark’s, then her own. She put the wine back in the holder without filling mine again. I thought that was a little strange, but perhaps she just did not want to assume I was drinking. I had not shown a glass since they came in.

I was quite proud of the food I laid out and my service. Careful to ensure nothing was missing, I am always the last to sit and the first to stand. I poured my own wine when I sat down.

The dinner banter was warm and friendly, and I noticed how tight Mark appeared to be with Anna. Anna seemed quite happy with the attention.

As I began to clear away the dishes, asking if anyone would like an aperitif, Mark again offered Lynn’s assistance. It was more of an instruction than a request. which I accepted. Pouring the requested dessert wine for Anna and Lynn, and a scotch neat for Mark and myself I returned to the table to sit before serving desert.

Mark was regaling us with the their boat party stories. One of these seemed to indicate that the parties were quite the select events, and emphasized that his guests thoroughly enjoyed the service they received on board.

“Do you have servers for these events?” Annas asked. “Sounds posh!”

“Yes indeed. We often have an assistant or two.” Mark explained “Our guest are always treated like royalty. Lynn is an amazing hostess but cannot do it alone. ” he nodded towards her.

“Thank you, sir,” she responded.

I looked to Anna to see her response, but she did not look my way. She was far more engrossed with Mark’s stories than my reaction.

“I am sure you both do a great job as gracious hosts,” I chimed in, implying that Mark must join in the duties as well.

“I might assist but only if there is a special need,” Mark answered with a laugh. “Lynn takes care of the service of our guests.”

This time Anna looked at me, but there was no surprise on her face.

“That sounds lovely.” Anna agreed. “Kris does such a wonderful job to try and meet my needs. I do have to correct as required, however.”

I was more than a little shocked at this comment and quickly passed out the drinks before heading back to the kitchen to prepare the desert. The conversation continued in my absence, and I listened attentively while I worked.

“So, I assume our plans for this weekends soiree is fully agreeable, Anna.” Mark commented. “Could be five or six good friends. I would love to try and introduce them to you in advance if possible. They will love you both!”

“Yes, Mark. It sounds lovely. I so look forward to this experience. And, of course, Kris will be most helpful.” My Mistress added with a big smile towards me as I returned with the plates.

“Did we have something planned, here?” I asked.

“No Kris, we did not.” Anna’s head cocked just a little with those words. No elabouration was offered, and no response appeared to be welcome, so none was offered.

“To new friends and relationships!” Mark interrupted with yet another toast.

“To a wonderful holiday,” my wife toasted back. “And thank you Mark, for your kind offer for your lovely home.”

Everyone drank to that.

The banter and drinks continued through desert.

“Now this is not the service Travesti avrupa yakası I expect, Lynn.” Mark started. He held up his wine glass

Lynn apologized for not noticing, then looked to me. “Kris?” she inquired

“No problem, please let me.” I offered as I stood abruptly.

Lynn looked to Mark, and smiled.

“Most appropriate I would say,” Mark commented. “Your Mistress was right. You look comfortable serving.”

I returned with a new bottle and filled the glasses, not quite sure what I just heard

“I think it is time we addressed the elephant in the room, Kris,” my Mistress smiled. “Would you please stand here in front of us.”

I looked to Anna. “Sorry?”

“I told you to stand here, Kris.”

I looked to her, then quickly around the table. I could only see bemusement on our guest’ faces.

“Your Mistress just told you to move, Kris” she stated, much more firmly.

I wanted to be defiant. I wanted to say just a moment. I wanted to refuse such an outrageous comment in front of our guest. But really? I wanted to remain my Mistress’s submissive without showing disrespect. I knew I could refuse, but according to how our games go, it all stopped the moment I refused an instruction or used the safe word we established. I did not want that.

My gusto dissolved, my shoulders and eyes dropped, and I moved back from the table.

“Please show undo your shirt and show Mark and Lynn your lovely nipple ornaments, Kris.”

I could feel myself pause. I could feel myself getting redder. I could feel eyes on me. I could not meet their gaze. Looking to my Mistress for a reprieve that was not coming, I just undid my buttons slowly. Once my shirt was pulled open, I let the sides hang.

“Love the nipple cuffs, Kris,” Mark commented. “We have nothing like this for you, Lynn. Perhaps we should.”

My breathe was a little ragged, standing beside the table feeling very strange. I started to rebutton it.

“I did not tell you to close it, Kris!” my Mistress sternly told me. “Instead, please remove it.”

My action was almost pre-determined. I slid my shirt off, laying it on my chair, still looking at the ground. I was feeling humiliation, and that rush that I cannot explain.

“Kris, please stand up with your hands behind your back.”

I closed my eyes and held my hands behind my back.

“I am sure you are wondering how this came about, Kris,” my Mistress started. “You really should be more careful with the website you join, and your passwords are obvious.”

Anne stood and walked over beside me. She reached out and pulled on the dangling handcuffs, extending my nipple.

“Imagine my surprise when I came across that site, ‘Dominants&Submissives.com, Kris. I thought I was your only dominant in our relationship.”

“Oh, but you ARE, Mistress!” I pleaded.

“Enough, Kris,” she stopped me. “You will only speak when asked.”

“When I found all those pictures, I searched into your history. I looked through you browsing history. Sweetie, you do realize you can delete this history, don’t you? I saw that you joined this D&S site almost two years ago. I looked at our own timelines and realized you were exploring while I tried to allow you to be the man of the house. That did not work very well or for very long, did it sissy? That was before I realized that things needed to change.” She reached out her other hand and pulled on the other cuffs roughly. I gritted my teeth but whimpered through them.

“I realized what you were looking for was for me to take control of our relationship, or after looking at your profile here, for someone to. I knew then that you could not be the man-about-the-house, but had not really understood until I learned about Mark. Do you remember Mark, Kris?”

I looked at Mark, but no. I could not place him.

“His Master M profile picture shows him on his boat, rubbing the head in his lap, a woman kneeling between his legs, a dirty blonde in a sexy red-dress. You must have seen something you like, Krissi. You even sent this man pictures of yourself in a French Maid outfit and told him you would love to serve him, and his friends. Do you remember that Krissi? It was quite the exchange.”

Master M was a name that came back readily to my mind. I thought about him for a long time after our chat. His profile. Our discussion. My promise that I was not a poser. Oh shit. I thought back to what I had promised.

I could manage but a whisper. “Yes.”

“Yes what, Kris?”

“Yes Mistress, I remember Master M.”

She released my nipples and stepped back.

“All I had to do was reach out to Mark and Lynn,” My Mistress explained. “I was, however, most disappointed with the story I received about you.”

“I was so happy to receive another message, from you Krissi.” Mark entered the conversation.

“Since you did not show up the first time after all we had discussed, Krissi, we knew you were just a poser. A wannabe. Imagine how interested we became when we realized it was your wife messaging us.”

“We had a great conversation, Krissi,” Mistress continued. “I was surprised with all that you had promised to Mark, and how little you apparently delivered. It kind of sounded like you two had an agreement and you reneged on your part of the bargain. It appeared you needed better manners and since Mark is a true Master in his community, I felt you two should meet.”

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